
Maggots in soil will this harm my plants?

by Guest60055  |  earlier

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There are tiny little worms that looks like maggot in the soil where I plant my plants, should I be concern? Will this harm my plants?




  1. find the sorce if they are maggots....clear away the dirt from that area.they will not harm your plants.maggots turn into flies.

  2. They look like maggots, I had these devour all of my root vegetables and it really pissed me off!  I planted radishes, carrots and rutabaga just to have the 'maggot / worms' make a meal out of them.

    the tops still grew, but when I pulled them up, they were slimy and rotten full of those 'creatures'!

    The didn't touch the above ground crops tho.  So that may just be what your concern should be.

  3. Unless there's a reason for flies to hang around your garden, they are probably grubs. They are the larval form of certain beetles such as Japanese Beetles. This time of year is the time they show up. And yes they can cause devastating  damage by eating (destroying) the root sysyem. The area can be treated with a product like Scotts Grubex. Google "natural grub control" for non-chemical alternatives.

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