
Magic Bullet recipes that aren't in the recipe book?

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I have a Magic Bullet and have used it to make some of the recipes in the book... but I was wondering if anyone had any other MEAL recipes that aren't the in their book? (not drinks or smoothies)...




  1. Try these sites:

  2. yes

  3. heat up potatoes in the microwave and put them in with a little butter and milk. it makes instant smooth mashed potatoes. i leave the skins on and sometimes add cheese or herbs. mmmm...

  4. Yay! Another Magic Bulleter. Yes, I make fresh salsa by putting in tomatoes, onion, half a jalepeno, 2-3 cloves of garlic and some cilantro. Then I have it with baked tortilla chips. Yum.

    I also make a smoothie every morning. I have a Meal replacement shake that I use for extra protein and it's Orange Cream flavor so I make it with ice and water and 3-4 strawberries. It comes out so good and it tastes like it has ice cream in it. I have that for breakfast along with my yogurt.

    My husband loves to make himself omelettes in it. 2-3 eggs, some kind of meat (even sometimes lunchmeat) cheese and a splash of milk. Onion (I keep a chopped up bag of onion in the freezer and he takes out what he wants) or fresh herbs. Then he fries it and eats it. He says it's good, but he adds too much onion for my taste.

    ~~~Here Try These Recipes~~~

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