
Magic Is it Real or not wat do u think Let me know...and if it is real tel me more...?

by  |  earlier

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pleas telme wat u think......................................




  1. First of all, it is spelled: magick. Yes, it is very real.

    "Magic" is like the illusions and tricks that magicians do (stage magic).

    It is a very big concept to explain.

    What I will tell you is this: Magick is not capable of producing "miracles" or violating the physical laws of nature, although "it is theoretically possible to cause in any object any change of which that object is capable by nature".

    That is just so that you get a general idea of what it can and cannot do.

    If you don't understand that much, then good luck comprehending anything more.

    It is not something to be taken lightly. It is not for everyone. Therefore, I do not like to teach. Sorry.

  2. For such ridiculous spelling and a dumb question I am going to turn you into a tadpole.

  3. we explain things as magic when science  doesn't know how it's done(paranomal) so i believe that magic is unknown scince  

  4. Here's what I think about it:

  5. If u r typing lyke this all da time, u prolly dont hav smarts enuff 2 learn good wat magic realy is.

    Stick 2 dungens an draggins.

  6. It's just sleight of hand and tricks.

  7. magic is very much real i am in the process of studying it but my boyfriend has worked with it i am just starting to learn how to read tarot cards but he can cast spells my maun form of magic is that of a healer i can remove pains from my own body and my boyfriends

  8. Magic may refer to:

    Magic (paranormal) anything that is not explainable by any laws of nature.

    Magical thinking

    Folk magic, traditional systems of magic

    Magick, the magical system of Aleister Crowley and Thelema

    Witchcraft, the use of certain kinds of supernatural or magical powers

    Magic (illusion), the art of entertaining audiences by performing illusions and tricks

    Street magic, sleight of hand, etc.  

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