
Magic The Gathering. deck list help.?

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i need a good deck list for a tri colored deck.


i'd like it if the cards weren't very expensive or are in the newer or newest packs.

for green please use elves b/c i have those already.

if you need my elf list please email me.

thank you for your time.




  1. Oooooo tri-color eh?  Well this could be some interesting focuses.

    I am too lazy to give you an exact deck list but I can open up different deck strategies.

    If you want to be very successful, get all dual lands.

    Since you want to use elves, you could use the black and red cards for control.  Destroy nonblack creature cards, direct damage, the works.  You'll be playing cards fast then if that is your focus, so look for any draw cards.  Glimpse of Nature is a good drawing card.  It cost G, and whenever you play a creature that turn, draw a card.  Get a bunch of those since elves aren't that expensive and you'll be on your way.

    Another focus with elves and red/black is tokens and small creatures.  Goblins can be a good rendition of the small focus.  You'll have elves gaining you life and defensive play, with the goblins as your attack force.  I've always found that if you have a card like Goblin King or Elvish Champion, put in Mystic Compass.  Lets you turn a land into any basic land of your choice (excellent for forestwalk/mountainwalk).  Black can either be control, with destroy and life gain cards, or zombies.  Your choice :D

    There are 2 setups you might like.  I don't know how well they will work but they are just some ideas for you to maybe want to look into.  Enjoy and good luck!!

  2. for your red portion, might I recommend Brighthearth Banneret as a given, if you are willing to span back cold snap then Lisa Cold Eyes (she gives +2/+2 and haste to warriors and berserkers) and if you will go to the time spiral block then Stone Brow (gives +2/+2 to creatures with trample).

    This is what I would have.

    Bramblewood Paragon

    Rhys, The Exiled

    Nath of the Gilt-Leaf

    Brighthearth Banneret

    Lisa Cold Eyes

    Stone Brow

    Nectar Faerie

    Prowess of the Fair

    Imperious Perfect


    Primal Crux

    Lys Alana Huntmaster

    Eyeblight's Ending

    Lys Alana Scarblade

    This should be a good start, mix and mesh with that and if you find room and obisian axe and nova chaser you have a decent elf/warrior deck.

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