
Magic Tricks Just For Fun =)

by  |  earlier

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Alrighty folks here it is:

1. Pick a number (any number you'd like, remember this number)

2. Double your number (muiltiply it by 2)

3. Add 14 to your new number.

4. Divide the number you now have by 2.

5. Now take the number you started with and subtract it from the number you have now.

...Is your number 7? =)




  1. yes it try this one.

    The Grey Elephant from Denmark eating a Grape Trick

    1. Before the performance, write the words "Denmark," "Elephant", "Gray" & "Grape" on a piece of paper. Seal this paper in an envelope. Or maybe draw a picture of a grey elephant in Denmark eating grapes.

    2. Set the sealed envelope on a table before starting the trick.

    3. Ask for a volunteer from the audience and have him or her perform the following steps:

    4. Think of a number between 1 and 9.

    5. Subtract 5 from the number.

    6. Multiply the new number by 3.

    7. Square the product (multiply the product by itself).

    8. Add the digits of the new number.

    9. If the sum isn't a 1-digit number, add the digits of the new number together. Keep adding the digits of each new sum until you get a 1-digit number.

    10. If the new 1-digit number is less than 5, add 5 to it. If it's greater than 5, subtract 4 from it.

    11. Multiply the new number by 2.

    12. Subtract 6 from the result.

    13. Think of the letter of the alphabet that corresponds to this new number. (A=1, B=2, etc.)

    14. Think of a country that begins with that letter.

    15. Think of an animal that begins with the second letter of the country's name.

    16. Think of the animal's colour.

    17. Think of a fruit that begins with the first letter of the animal's colour.

    18. Once the volunteer has gone through all of this, call attention to the sealed envelope that has been sitting on the table throughout the proceedings. Ask the volunteer what country, animal and fruit he or she thought of.

    19. Have the volunteer open the envelope and display its contents. The volunteer, along with the rest of the audience, will be amazed at the fact that you knew the responses ahead of time.

  2. lol yea


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