
[Magic the Gathering Cards #6] Weird Elemental Deck?

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Is this deck okay?

4 Incandescent Soulstoke

4 Ashenmoor Liege

2 Ashenmoor Gouger

4 Smokebraider

4 Flamekin Harbinger

2 Nova Chaser

2 Shriekmaw

2 Brighthearth Banneret

4 Reveillark

1 Emberstrike Duo

4 Mulldrifter

2 Rite of Consumption

3 Turn to Mist

4 Primal Beyond

4 Vivid Crag

2 Vivid Marsh

2 Vivid Meadow

1 Vivid Creek

9 Mountain


1 Shriekmaw

2 Emberstrike Duo

2 Wispmare

2 Ashenmoor Gouger

3 Spitebellows

3 Firespout

1 Turn to Mist

1 Rite of Consumption




  1. Form a quick view, it looks okay, but I think that it would probably be better to either have a deck based on the Flamekin and Ashenmoor, or a deck based on the "Greater Elementals". A flamekin deck would use the Red, smaller Elementals, while the "Greater Elementals" deck would use the Elementals with evoke and the card Horde of Notions. It appears you got a lot of Red Elemental cards, so you can run the Flamekin deck. That would involve taking out the cards that aren't red or black (black can be a splash color) and putting in more cards that are. A Greater Elemental deck would be all colors, but you can use more red for Smokebraider. Also, a card named Prismatic Omen can make all your lands have all basic land types, which means you can tap them for ANY color mana. So for a Greater Elemental deck, it would probably have red and/or green as the base color. Anyway, I hope I helped.

  2. bad vivid lands i duno like they come in to play tapped, prismatic omen, birds of paradise, terramorphic expanse, dual lands and creatures who filter are better for a game when u need more mana, specially if u only have a splash of white and blue in there, some are good but 9 are too many maybe 4, 6 tops, they are verry usefull but they will put you behind a full turn, other than that its allright and Reveillark is not such a great creature but thats just my oppinion

    vivid lands are alright for 4or 5 colors but even then they come in to play tapped nad are non basic and thats a significant drawback if play casual.

    other than that its cool about a 6/10 good deal.

    hope this helps

  3. ya it's alright, but you need to put in 4 Horde of Notions. Try buying them on ebay, they're super cheap.

    - hope this helped

  4. You really need to stick to 2 colors or 1 color. For Elementals I recommend Red and Green. Why Green? Cloudthresher! Its a 7/7 Elemental with Flash and Evoke and it deals 2 damage to each player and each creature with flying.. Keep Smokebraider in for Horde of Notions, which is a bomb in Elementals and usually the game winner. Also, invest in some Reflecting Pools. They produce mana any land you control could produce. So if you have a Primal Beyond or a Vivid land in play it produces all colors.

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