
Magic the Gathering anyone?

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Alrighty...I'm not new to playing the game or anything, but I was just wondering about making different kinds of decks. For an average sized deck, how many mana should a person have in the deck, instants, sorcery, creatures, artifacts ect. You get the picture.

Also, if anyone knows of any cool cards to be on the lookout for, let me know. I have an amazing card shop just around the corner from where I live. I'll go check it out.

If anyone in the 'gaming' world or who knows the game really well could answer this, please do so. I need to know so I can build an awesome deck to kick my boyfriends butt in it. Haha.




  1. mana wise 15=20 no more then 20

    creatures and other cards just depends on what you want the deck to do if you want high strength/tuffness then add lots of creatures and instants.

    my card combo works wonders i tap one card that gives +X/+X where X is the number of elves i control combine that with a already strong elf that already the same abillity or a card that gains 1+X/1+X where X is the number of lands you have a tuff creature if you give it trample or if it already has trample watch out because it wont be stopped easily.

    also the majority of my instants give my creature anywhere from +2-+7 if i add all those instants up plus my creatures strength plus then increased strength thanks to my other creatures abillity i can easily do over 50 damage with trample one shot KO

  2. 20 mana 20 monster 5 instants 10sorrcery 5 artifacts

    and look out for the lord of the pit

    and black trample deck are insane

    or white flying

    or a green elf life deck

    i have the elf deck it gives insane amounts of life

  3. Well there is no absolute rule about that, but usually 35 to 40% of land and mana sources is good. Never go over 60 card decks, no matter how good those extra cards look.

    Before setting up the mana to spell ratio is important to know what kind of deck you want to build. There are 3 basic types:




    Beatdown decks are designed to play threat after threat and overcome your opponent as fast as posible. In a beatdown build you should take a good luck at your mana curve. Mana curve means grouping your spells according to your casting cost. In a typical beatdown deck you want 10 - 12 1cc, 10-12 2ccs, 8 3ccs and the rest can be 4 ccs. Usually try to stay away from anything bigger than 5 ccs for beatdown. Since the cost of spells is relatively low, you might include as few as 21/22 lands, with no artifact acceleration.

    Cards to look for: tatermunge maniac, boggart ram gang, countryside crusher, mogg fanatic, rift bolt, flame javelin, tarmogoyf.

    Control builds usually try to acomplish victory by using card advantage (trading one of your cards for 2 or more of the opponent's cards). Control decks try to build momentum to reach a position where you can overcome your opponent and gain 'control' of the game. Modern control decks have up to 24-26 lands.

    Cards to look for: Wrath of God, Damnation, Careful consideration, think twice, Teferi Mage of Zhalfir, Swans of Bryn argoll, Bitterblossom, Ancestral Memories, Cryptic Command, tarmogoyf, ponder.

    Combo decks try to assemble a combination of cards that can end the game quickly by making your opponent lose or putting you in a position where your opponent can not win (winning over 1,000,000 life for example). Combo decks are very focused and depend a lot on their opening hand. Cards to look for: Reveillark, mirror entity, body double, aven riftwatcher, greater gargadon, mulldrifter.

    Hope this helps. As another piece of advise, check the flagship website and read articles about 'theory of fire', 'control decks', 'combo decks'. Also check the Pro-Tour Hollywood coverage to see sample decklist of beatdown (green big mana), control (faeries) and combo (reveilark).

  4. The most basic mana curve along with lands is:

    24- lands

    12- 1 cost cards

    12- 2 cost cards

    8- 3 cost cards

    4- 4 or more cost cards

    if you couldn't do the math, that's 60. the different deck types allow for more or less lands or cards of a certain mana cost. burn decks usually run less for example.

    the most basic deck archetypes are burn, beatbown, control, weenie, and discard. the most current set dictates more complicated deck types. for instance, right now people run alot of elves, faerie control, red deck wins, doran, and dragonstorm.

    nothing is worse for a guys ego than being beaten by elves or faeries. money wise faeries will cost you more since bitterblosom, a key card, goes for $25. go to and look up some of the current T2 decks to get an idea of what to put in.

    hope i helped.

  5. Wow, that's a really big question.

    I usually put 18-22 lands and then the rest is what I need for my build.  There is really no rule.  Just build and playtest.  You will find out if your manabase is stable or not.

    As for cards, there are a ton of them out there.  At least, there is for me.  I am a Johnny so I am always looking for combos.  So most anything could be a great card for me.  Just depends on your tastes.

    As for decks, I have a couple of them that can win on turn 3 or 4.  Would you like to kill him with 26 4/4 trampling elves or instakill everyone but you on turn 4?  I have both.  If you want a decklist, just ask.  As for tournament decks that have worked in the past, look here:

    If you can't see it, you may need to join.  It's free and fun.  There are a lot of things to do there.  You can play games, make up cards, or just talk about the game in general.

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