
Magic the Gathering match: Black/White Deck vs Blue/Green Deck?

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My brother and i are getting into magic the gathering cards.

And we are using theme decks with two colours.

I have black/white deck.

He has blue/green deck.

Who is most likely to win (as beginners), what advantages do i have and what disadvantages do i have against him.

Any info is appreciated.






  1. he shoots

    he scores

    2 points

  2. did you combine the precon decks to make your own decks?  black has Ascendant evincar, white has cho-manno, blue has arcanis, red has Kamahl , and green has Molimo..   actually, you combined what they call enemy colors..  it would probably be advantageous to make them white/green and black/blue.. they are what they call alliance colors..  though the precon decks are fun, they are not that great..  they should be used as building blocks if anything,..    as for your question, each color has their own advantages..   white is full of protection and life-gain spells..  blue is full of counter magic and card draw.. black is full of removal..  red is full of direct damage.. and green is usually creature based to deal it's damage..  they all have their advantages.. the trick is learning how to bring synergy and cost-efficient spells together..  no matter the colors..

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