
Magic the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh!?

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I noticed that both these card games are quite popular. I play magic and personally think it's much better than Yu-Gi-Oh!. Magic makes you think more and stimulates your brain. Yu-Gi-Oh!, on the other hand (in my opinion) is easy, silly, childish, and a complete copy of Magic the Gathering.

I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Do you like Magic the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh! better and WHY!?




  1. Magic requires more thinking, strategy, and it doesn't have a cheesy show that ruins it.  People who like Yugioh, I am sorry but it's a kids game.  I played it when it first came out and I was like 10 years old.  Now I play Magic, and I ditched Yugioh.  It was fun but it was lame :(

    Magic you can say is a kids game too, but if you say that, you most likely didn't play long.  Magic takes a lot of time to learn, but once you learn the game, it's much more rewarding to your enjoyment and mind.  Now I am not saying Magic rules and Yugioh sucks, just Magic is more complex.

  2. Yu-Gi-Oh 1,000,000% out of 10%

  3. I absolutely hate these type of questions.  Neither game is better then the other.  They are just different.  The people who say that Magic is better and that Yugioh sucks and there's no strategy involved probably haven't played the game for more then 5 minutes.  There's a h**l of a lot more strategy then you think there is.  If you took the time to actually read the rulebook and read some of the cards and took some time to understand all the concepts you would see what I am talking about.  The same goes for all the Yugioh players who bad-mouth Magic for being sucky and boring.  Most of them have probably not played Magic before and it's too complicated for them to understand.  So because they don't understand it they decide to dismiss it and say that it's a bad game to play.  Magic is a fantastic game to play.  I currently play Yugioh and am obsessed with it.  I used to play Magic as well, but when I got into Yugioh, I quit Magic because I couldn't afford the money to play both.  This is my 2 cents.  I just wish everybody will play nice and decide to actually learn about something and understand something before you start to berate it.

  4. YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!

    Cuz its the $#i+!!!!!

  5. I play yu gi oh, but i did play magic before and i really enjoyed it, however it never caught on with anyone that i hung around with so i just ditched it.

  6. I play MTG as well.  I like it just because it was first.  I didn't get to Gooyeo cards until after my son was born.  He likes all the card games, YuGioh, MTG, Duelist, etc.  I like the fact that with each new set that comes out, there are different abilities that develop different strategies for the metagame.

    Thanks for the poll.

  7. I personally dont like Magic. I specialize in yugioh. I see it the other way. I find Magic is childish, easy and not to well desighned. True Magic did come first but yugioh is way more complicated than Magic:

    theres Chains you have to set traps before you use them. Theres priority, Multi trigger effect, trigger effect, Spell Speed, Battle postion, Defence Position, Synchro set, tribute set, ritual, Maintnece cost, infinate loop, Replay, Piercing and about 100 more.

    Stick that Magic!?


  8. I first started with these card games through Pokemon. When all my friends suddenly stopped and chose to play Magic. I reluctantly followed suit, and never looked back. I am now one of the few of those original friends that still play (This was 6 or so years ago).

    When Yu-Gi-Oh started rising up, I played the video games a bit, and completely dismissed it as a game for kids (Despite the very stupid use of insanely high numbers.) There is seemingly no strategy, and everything is just put card down, say what they are doing, go. Not much thinking. I was forced to watch a bit of a tournament of this while waiting for a table to clear so my friend's and I could play Magic, and I noticed that the games never took longer then 5 minutes. Where the h**l is the fun in that??

    "Play <insert card name here>, attack for high amount, go"

    "Ok, I do the same thing, go".

    Also noticed that most cards end up being in the same deck, just packed up the best things around, throw in what they call a strategy, and voila. Not much use of creativity.

    Magic offers so much freedom, unless you are a tourney junky and spend all your time net-decking, which I find to be pretty lame, but if it wins them their Pro tours and what not, let them go for it. I play mostly casually so it doesn't do much to affect me.

    I think I finished ranting, didn't expect my answer to be this long.

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