I play casually, not tournaments or anything just with friends mostly. I only have a limited collection and just makes decks with what i've got. Just for fun i tried to make a rat deck, which then turned into kind of a rat/discard thing.
Any thoughts or improvements (keep in mind i don't have a huge collection, if possible suggest something a little more common)
16 swamps
2 cabal coffers
1 bottomless vault
4 swarm of rats
4 ravenous rats
3 chittering rats
3 razortooth rats
2 crypt rats
2 megrim
2 death pits of rath
1 oppression
1 necrogen mists
1 mirari
4 terror
4 wrench mind
3 ostracize
3 strongarm tactics
4 fill with fright
2 aphetto dredging
2 blackmail