
Magic the gather decks?

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what is the best strategy for each of the following decks











  1. Black/White – Gain a ton of life, stall the game, then bleed your opponent bit by bit to death.

    Red/Black – control the board, burn out anything that looks threatening, stall, then pain your opponent to death with more burn spells or black life-loss spells.

    Red/Green – Rush out with fast, cheap creatures and finish up with some burn for the crucial last few points of damage. I currently play this deck, and it is very fast and very furious. Get your opponent from 20 life to 0 life as soon as possible.

    Blue/Black – control the board through counterspells, occasional mass removal (Damnation) and play out a huge threat that can’t be dealt with by your opponent for the win. (Faeries: Counterspell + Bitterblossom + Cryptic Command + Mistbind Clique = Win a lot of the time.)

    White/Green – Ramp up mana, play big threat (Garruk Wildspeaker, Oversoul of Dusk) and beat the h**l out of your opponent.

    Black/Green – Control the board with discard spells and removal. Terror removes any threats, and when your opponent is out of options, play a big creature (Doran, the Siege Tower or Chameleon Colossus) for the win.

    All five colors – a bit of everything, counterspells (Cryptic Command) Card advantage (Careful Considerations) Board sweepers (Cloudthresher, Firespout) and reanimation (Makeshift Manniquin) VERY GOOD DECK by Mr. Wafo-Tapa, the renowned constructed master of France.

    Hope that helped!

  2. b/w - life gain and graveyard manipulation

    b/r - speed and graveyard manipulation

    r/g - speed and growth

    bl/b - couther and death

    w/g - lifegain and large creatures

    b/g - removal and growth

    w/bl/b/r/g - all of the above listed since you will need them - make sure you can filter lands appropiatly

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