
Magicians, wiccans and pagans. ls there a spell to improve physical strength?

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l mean physical strength in the most direct way, lift heavier or run faster. Anything that improves it, even the simplest is fine.

PS: Answers with a good spell or method gets a thumbs up, those with things like 'go work out' or 'like everyone else does' gets more than one thumbs down.




  1. There is no obvious simple spell out there to improve physical strength, because it is probably one of the most ordinary average things a person does. You always do the natural way before the magical one, meaning working out, eating right and such. If you do that and don't see results, then a witch would try a spell to help with it and make it easier to obtain physical strength, but as most people do see results, there aren't any spells out there to make one.

    Magic is the last resort, not first.

    EDIT- I'm answering to give you information to help you.there aren't any spells to help you magically improve your physical strength.Also, if i did have a spell, i wouldn't give it to you,as any practicing witch should know how to write their own spells and personalize them.My advice, don't meddle with what you don't understand, because when you mess up, the repercussions can be a serious *****.

  2. well, seeing how there is no such thing as magic, no. Try like most people who do not hang out in there basment all day playing WOW and exercise

    and yes, i do feel smart. I answered someones miscatagorized question, saw yours, and answered it out of pity for some poor nerd that believes taht magic and sorcery are real. Heres my advice, put down the Dungeons and Dragons, and get a life

  3. I'm sorry, but go work out is a spell.

    It's not my fault you don't know what a spell is.

    Here's a clue: Spells are hard.

  4. Well, you need to understand that metaphysical

    energy operates mainly in a spiritual dimension.

    What that means is that the things we can do are

    usually not physical in the sense you are inquiring

    about. If we could, we would all win the lottery and

    be millionaires, and George Bush would have

    choked on a pretzel or crashed his mountain bike...

    fatally ! But we cannot make those sorts of happy

    miracles happen. So the answer to your question

    is no, there is no "spell" to help your physical

    strength directly.

    On the other hand, there is a power of the spirit,

    which is connected with the body. By increasing

    your spiritual power, your body will have greater

    ability to recover from illness and can gain strength.

    Increasing spiritual power is not done by "spells",

    but by study and contemplation. Ultimately it can

    open your mind to divinity, and if that happens

    you can tap into Her power, and draw strength


    Best wishes,


  5. All spells initially require a change of consciousness, the rest of the magic comes from practical application. I suggest you study the fundamental principles of magic before you start asking for phsycal transformation.

    Try reading The Golden Bough by James Frazer it is a good reference for all kinds of world magic and folklore.

  6. Yes, my young one there it like most dedicated people, sleep, exercise, and diet and you will make it.

  7. meditation and mantras will help, but you have to combine them with actual physical exercises.  You know what they say: a healthy mind in a healthy body, meditation will help you keep a clear mind and exercise will improve your strength. I also recommend auto suggestion, if you can make yourself believe you're stronger then you will be stronger, but this too will help in combination with physical exercise. I'm sorry to tell you but there's no easy, mystical way to get it done. Like it or not, it's up to you, but it won't change a thing about how the Universe works

    edit: what are the reasons? i never said i had all the answers, there just isn't an easy way to it.

  8. I have about 3 spells or incantations for strength written down in my book. However, the best one I have is 3 paragraphs long, not something I'm willing to hammer out here. I would reccomend look some up (google would be good) spells under: Wiccan Strength incantation/chant/spell. Chants would be best, spells in wicca are often more ritualistic, and require you to get some items and use them in a certain way or order.

    Blessed be.

    P.S: You could also try and obtain physical strength in a more, everyday way, like everyone else, if you get my drift.

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