
Magnavox 32" tv ms3252s431 shutting off

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i have a 32" magnovox tv (chasis L01-1uac-7638) that has broklen down 3 times in 18 months. the tv is only 4 years old. the symptoms are always the same: first the volume bar will appear and sometimes lower the volume by itself. then the main tv menu will appear on its own and randomly move thru the menu. the 3rd stage is it will do all of this, then shut itself off. the final is all of the above, then shut off completely and won't power up, with a faint chirping sound in the back until unplugged. someone mentioned replacing the C2455 resistor, but i don't know much about electronics. can you offer any advice or parts to change? it's been repaired twice already at a large cost both times. thanks.


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