
Magnetic therapy will it help my back muscles stop cramping?

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Magnetic therapy will it help my back muscles stop cramping?




  1. I knew a lady that made and sold the magnetic bracelets and necklace.   She of coarse told of many cases healed by them.  I tried the necklace. ( Close to the heart) suppose to be the best place for 6mos. day and night  It did nothing for me.  There is no scientific evidence that they work.

  2. have you tried pilates? it's really good for working the core so don't see why it wouldn't sort your back out

  3. Beware; there are alot of quacks out there. Holistic, herbal, and alternative treatments are one big grey area.

    Don't get your hopes up, but it's worth giving it a try. Even if he/she was recommended to you, before you begin your treatment, ask the practioner, how many sessions you will need, and what the total cost will be be upfront. If you suspect a dodgy dealer... just walk away.

  4. There is no scientific evidence that magnets have any kind of therapeutic effect of any sort.

    caveat emptor

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