
Magnolia Tree Has White Stuff growing on trunk and branches?

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My Mangolia Tree is about 5-6 years old and there's never been a problem. A few days ago, I noticed some white stuff on the trunk and then yesterday on the branches...........and a whole bunch of wasps around the entire tree. Does anyone know what this white stuff is and how to get rid of it...........and if the the wasps are a result of it ?




  1. The wasps are not the cause.  I suspect you have magnolia Scale.  The wasps are there to cash in on the honeydew that the scale excrete; they aren't doing the tree damage.

    The Scale, however, will kill your tree if they aren't dealt with.

    It will be a lengthy war, not just one battle.  There are systemics you can use yearly, (as you have to get the adult scale from within - they too "armored" to be affect by many sprays.).  You can use dormant oil in the winter, and there are insecticides for the young, or "crawlers" - but those have to be timed for when the young are present and moving - usually late spring.

    But cut a small branch off and take to your local nursery for a positive ID, and products and advice for dealing with it.

    OR look up "Magnolia Scale" on the net, and see if the images you find look like what's on your tree.

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