
Magor Friend Problem! Lots of Points!!!?

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Sorry it is quite long-

When I was in yr 4 sum1 hacked into this girl who I will call Sam. Sam was really upset and thought it might have been me, I was off ill at the time, and I was the only person off, but our teacher said it was most probably someone outside of school or someones brother or sister messing around.

We got over it and it all stopped and then in yr 6 I became best friends with Sam. Then I had to move house du to my parents job and then behind my back someone started rumor that I did it. My friend I will call her Sue, emailed me and I asked her why Sam wasnt talking to me no more, she replied, because you sent the horrible messages in yr 4. Then it got nasty and they were accusing me of being horrible in my defence mails. Now this other girl in our class I will call her Lea called me swear words n B \\ i \\ t \\ c \\ h. I just want to be friends how should I handle it, what should I do. Please dont be horrible to me. x x




  1. Talk to everyone, swear you didn't do it.

    Sometimes it works if you get really irritated and upset about it, then they might not think it was you anymore.

    Tell each person who's bothering you, to their faces and say that you didn't do it.

  2. Hi Holli, First thing I would do is just go to "Sam" and tell her how you feel. And Tell her that she believed you once before why not now? Its a known fact that people love drama and will cause havac whenever they can.  If she was a true friend she would find it in her heart to become friends again. As far as those two girls "Sue and Lea" making a fuss and casing all the problems they are what I like to call "Instagators" they are not happy unless everyone is fighting and miserable.  Like they say misery loves company.  Schools a tough place, kids are cruel, you should try and talk to her outside of school. Keep your head up girl these "Instagators" don't run your life for you and when you get out of school they will be no bodys to you.  

  3. don't be friend with "sam" because it will get worse. maybe you should have "sue" spread a rumor about sam or lea so they know how it feels to have a rumor spread around about them

  4. Im so lost, i got lost in the first sentence.

  5. I think you should write a letter to Sam saying that you actually didn't do it and that you are sorry that some one would do that to her. Tell her nicely that that was so many years ago and something that you didn't even do shouldn't get between your friendship.

    Do you want to read about my backstabbing friend? Here goes.

    I started new at this school and everyone was my friend. I had one best friend who always used to hang out with me. I always told her everything about me like I am not allowed to have a boyfriend. Then one day, when school began in the morning, everyone was laughing at me and saying he said NO! I asked what that was about and then finally, a friend said that my best friend... I will call her jill... asked out the most popular guy... lets call him school for me. I all but screamed! I ran up to her and asked her why she would do that. She just laughed and walked away. Then all of the 6th, 7th and 8th graders kept on laughing at me and I kept saying that I never asked him. HE didn't even believe me. He had a girlfriend at that time and she started hating me. She finally started believing that I was telling the truth, but bob didn't. He hates me and whenever I am nearby, he gets as far away as possible. I lost alot of friends because of jill, and I am the laughing stock of the school. How would you handle my situation?

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