
Main difference between salafi's and hanafi's?

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What exactly do salafi's believe in? (Apart from Qur'an and Sunnah obviously)

What is the difference between a salafi and a wahabi? (In terms of practise of Islam - strictness etc)

And what do people of other madhabs think of Salafi's?




  1. Salafis do not follow any mathab, but rather learn from all, while a Hanafi blindly follows whatever the Hanafi school says.

    Salafis believe they are following Islam at its purest, without innovations.  One controversial thing about Salafis is they believe Allah literally has a form and is literally above His throne because they believe that nothing is metaphoric in the Qur'an.

    another thing is they believe hadith can contradict the Qur'an, but a lot of sunnis believe that anyways.

  2. Wahhabi, now hide behind the salaf, and have ruined the good name of salaf scholars, that is the truth. They are kafeers

  3. This is a tough question to summarize quickly.

    Salafis believe in the same thing which the salaf as Saalih believed in.

    If you want to learn the 'Aqeedah of Salafees, then just open any of the books of 'Aqeedah of the Salaf.

    As for wahhabi, that's a term invented by the enemies of Islaam. There does not exist a group called "Wahhaabis".

    As for Hanafis, well the Ahnaaf (plural of Hanafi) differ from the Aqeedah of Imaam Aboo Haneefah. The Hanafees mostly are Maatureedee (not all, but many) in 'Aqeedah. Meaning they follow an unknown man named Aboo Mansoor al Maartureedee who was born long after Imaam Aboo Haneefah. His 'Aqeedah is against that of Ahlus Sunnah.

    This is the sad reality of the Hanafees of today. The reason that they remain like this is that they have the believe of Taqleed (unconditional blind following) so they never seek the evidences and remain upon what their fathers were upon.

    Most people today lie upon the salafees.

    How can one speak ill of the salafees when Salafiyyah is following the 'Aqeedah and Manhaj of the Salaf as Saalih?

    Imaam adh-Dhahabee made it a condition for a scholar that he is a Salafee!

    He said in order to be a scholar one must be:

    ان يكون تقيا ذكيا نحويا لغويا زكيا حييا سلفيا

    ((-Taqiyan (have taqwah) -Dhakiyah (have intelligence) -Nahwiyan (firm in Arabic grammar) -Lugawiyan (firm in Arabic language) -Dhakiyan (pure in action and/or intentions) -Hayiyan (shy) -Salafiyan (follow the way of the Salaf As Saleh))) (Siyaar A'laam an-Nubalaa (13/580))

    I can add more to this if needed.

    NOTE: I want to add that im speaking of the LATTER Hanafees not the earlier ones like Imaam at-Tahaawee or Ibn Abil 'Izz al Hanafee BOTH who were Salafees.


    I suggest you start with simple books like Kitaab at-Tawheed and Usool ath-Thalaatha, because these are books strictly on Tawheed and once you study Tawheed you'll see the errors of the modern day Hanafees in beliefs (like I said, many of them dont even know what Aboo Haneefah said)

    You can read a bunch of these books free on:

  4. wahabi are more strict

  5. Well Hanafi is a madhhab, Salafi is an ascription to the Salaf who were the first three generations of Muslims.  So the only thing specific to Hanafees is that they just follow the fiqh rulings of Aboo Haneefa.  Salafees follow the 'aqeedah (basic beliefs) and manhaj (methodology) of the early Muslims.  So one pertains to jurisprudence and the other is about beliefs and behavior, it's sort of like apples and oranges.

    "Wahhabi" is a bogeyman term invented by the British back in the colonial days.  It's named after a shaykh called Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab.  There is no group calling itself Wahhabi and who these people are and what they believe in has never been clearly defined.  Today it's used as a bogeyman by the media as a general term for any extremist Muslim, regardless of which sect they actually belong to.

    You can learn more at the link below, but the short answer is that Salafi isn't a madhhab, it's different from like Hanafi and things like that.

  6. What the believer must do is to follow the truth and what is correct, regardless of who says it. As for me,  I go mostly with  the Fiqh rulings of Imam Shafee. I also believe Abu Haneefa (r.a) one of the great Mujatahid and Imam of one of the Mazhab in Fiqh that exist today for majority of Muslims. Basically what those scholars have done was a great effort. As Mazhab comes only in matters where more than one opinion can be said about an issue For eg:- we all agree that Salathul Fajr is two Rakaas and well established from Sunnah. But when it comes to matters as where to place the hands, raising the hands etc. there is difference. The difference comes for many reasons and also because Sahaba (r.a) narrated differently or they have seen Prophet (pbuh) performing that way or that was the authentic Hadith the scholars of Ijithihad get at that time.

    Salafi basically is not a group. It is a methodology to strictly follow Holy Quran, the Sunnah and upon the understanding of Salaf Salih. We all must have this quality. The Mazhab imams were doing and following the same rules. Whatever for later additions, they aren't responsible. So you will see many in the name of Mazhab doing that has nothing to Sunnah. Also you will see some called Salafi's disgracing everyone who follows a Mazhab. What we must know is that, the ways are correct. But everyone who follows a way may not be the same. Individuals in them make mistakes and many a times create great problems in arguing one another and fights for minor issues. Also you will see good scholars like Dr.Zakir Naik who do Da'wa with wisdom. Also I have seen some called Salafis always at argument and fights. Their Da'wa method of arguments and harsh debates, Fatawa and self pride are not ways of the Salaf Salih. Just take the good in them and all.

    So we all need true knowledge and the Hidayah from Allah (s.w.t) for which we all must cry and seek. Because guidance is the thing that brings the qualities of the believer and give you the light to differentiate what is pleasing to Allah and what's not. We must seek Knowledge along with Zikr Allah. Personally I will never say ill of Imam Abu Haneefa or later scholars of India like Ashraf Ali Tanawi about which you were asking in another question. I have read one of his book 'Uswaiee Rasool' or something which gives full description of the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (s.a.w) as comes in Hadith Books.  Scholars may make mistakes, they are not angels or Prophets anyway.  Our goal of life is the success and the pleasure of Allah in this world and the hereafter. Many things goes when we personally see ill of those great Scholars of Islam. Allah will not guide to those who looks at only at the weakness of great Scholars in Islam. If you read or listen to Shaikh Salih Uthaimeen (r.a) and many other known scholars, you will know they don't make Salafi to be a sect as we see in India or Pakistan (of course not all). We must appreciate their sincere good great efforts. Allah is bringing back the Ummah towards Deen. We all do have minor differences which will eventually end once we all get things cleared. That's when we adorn the dress of Taqwa above all. Piety (taqwa) means doing that which Allaah and His Messenger (s.a.w) have enjoined and forsaking that which Allaah and His Messenger (s.a.w)have forbidden. Everyone who obeys Allaah and avoids disobeying Him is following light from Allaah and is pious. Everyone who disobeys Allaah is falling short in piety to the extent of his disobedience or sin. This is the basic rule.

    Allah knows best.

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