
Maine Coon Cats: is this true?

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so before i first got my Maine Coon, i researched the breed online. i found a website that said that indoor Coons can live to be 40 years old and be 30 lbs. (my cat is only 2 now, but he weighs 17 lbs!) so is this information true? thanks.




  1. Before I got my kitten I did a lot of research as well, in kittens for dummies the book they talk about breeds and ages. Many indoor only cats can live up until the age of 30, but I never heard of any cat living to an older age than that! Maine Coon cats are known for being gentle giants. They are incredibly large and are usually a dog lovers cat! I know of some Maine Coons that weight as much as 40#! Talk with your vet if you're concerned with rapid weight growth, only they can tell you a correct diet and appropriate weight for your Maine Coon.

  2. Hi. I breed Maine Coons and I can tell you that, although they are the largest recognised breed of domestic cats, if fed a good diet, excersized well, have plenty of love and attention and regular vet health checks, they can live upto 20 years old (but the average old age is about 15 years) and reach healthy weights upto 25lbs. Any Maine Coon who reaches over this weight, in general (but there are the rare exceptional cases) are overweight, so this affects their health. And! Whoever suggested that they live to 40 years old are complete liars. There has been a recorded case where one cat lived to be 27 years old, but again, that cat was the exception to the rule and wasn't a Maine Coon.

    Your boy , at 2 years old has another 1-2 years of development yet, so he will probably get a bit heavier as he fills out. But, 17lbs is a good weight for a young Maine Coon. I think the best weight area for a male Maine Coon is between 15-23lbs. So, your boy is a nice healthy weight and nothing to worry about. Not all Maine Coons hit 20lbs +.

    All my cats are indoors only with access to a secure cat garden and I have one boy who is a very healthy and lithe 23lbs, but if he started to get any heavier I'd be thinking he'd be starting to put on too much weight, as this isn't good for such a big breed of cat. My other boy is a very healthy 16lbs and he's 5 this year, but there is nothing tiny and shrinking about him in any way, infact, he's the most athletic out of both my boys and can run rings around my bigger boy.

    As good reference, you should read the breed standard on the CFA, TICA, ACFA, GCCF, FIFE and other legitimate international cat breed registry bodies to get a true reference as to what the Maine Coon breed is like.

    All the best to you and your gorgeous Maine Coon :)

  3. that kind of information is only an estimation. it really depends on the individual and they're eating habits and exercise as well. for instance i have three golden retrievers. one is two and a very large dog, but she only wieghs about 90 lbs, but she eats alot! another is six and is small and weighs probabaly close to 100 or 110 she eats alot too but she's not very active at all. and my other dog is about 5 and is medium sized and weighs about 120 she eats alot too and is very active as well but she is still on the very heavy size.

    so its just up to the individual

  4. First, Main Coon is about the largest breed of domestic cat, kinda the Saint Bernard or Irish Wolf hound equivalent. At 17 lbs your cat still has room to grow. I have a Bombay at 15 lbs, and he is only 15 months. Not fat, not in the least, he is just BIG!!! There should be sites dedicated specifically to your breed and if you check amazon they should have books on the subject. My oldest cat is 17 and the vet tells me he could see 25, but most cats die between 15 and 20, so 40 seems a stretch to me, but the 30lbs could be possible. Remember, the bigger the cat the higher the base weight, so 17 lbs is probably a little on the small side. You should check with your vet.

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