
Mainroad turns left/right. Indicate or not?

by Guest61645  |  earlier

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Hi! I was having a heated dicussion with my boyfriend, whether you have to indicate, when you want to stay on the mainroad, which turns, when there is another road that goes pretty straight.

Can't find real rules and regulations on the net about that.

I didn't do my license in UK, thats why it might be a bit different to what I have learnt, but the logic tells me it makes more sense, if you have to indicate in situations like that.




  1. If I understand your question you are traveling on a main road that has a turn coming up to another street, then no you would not use your turn signals if you are going to stay on the main road..

  2. Yes you do.

    well i think you do.

    and thats what i do

  3. its a curve in the road. you are not required to indicate but its not a bad idea in this case

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