
Maintain top 10 ranking with 100 keywords which is not in your titile is it possible?

by  |  earlier

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Title of can not be longer then 70 word so with 100 keyword its possible with seo help withing 3 month.




  1. Can you not maintain a top 10 ranking with just 2-5 keywords per page? Search engines are changing the way they rank more each day.

    I usually am in the top 10 - 20 on Google & Yahoo with every article I write. Of course I have a method I use which I might share one day when I get it perfect for 3 months straight. It requires really nothing more than not having any gimmicks or keywords but it works, go figure.

    There are no guaranteed ways to do what your asking.


  2. I agree with the silo effect of your website structure. Take the general subject matter of your site and try to determine the long tail keywords to generate those subpages. Use free keyword software, aka google's adwords keyword tool or a paid keyword tool like keyword elite or keyword research pro to determine the long tail keywords to build your silo.

  3. The Wall Street Journal interviewed experts about increasing page visits. They recommended adding words like "Real Estate, Computer, iPod" to your site.  But do you really want those visits. /

  4. lit a bit difficult  i think, dat to without a single keyword in u r tittle...u need to fetch out u r money out for that to happen in 3 months...

    go for PPC, for better results

  5. Silo your site for those keywords. Don't just try and have ranking for all the  keywords on the first page. Do something like

    And so on...

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