
Major Consequences of the entire 2011-2012 season lockout: NBA Featured Report (Part-4)

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Major Consequences of the entire 2011-2012 season lockout: NBA Featured Report (Part-4)
NBA players will find ways to keep on playing       
The NBA locked out its players on 1st July upon the expiration of the previous Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Since then, the only negotiation that took place on 1st August made things even worse.
At this point of time, the possibility of a complete season wipe out has started to become a reality. The NBA players will find ways to keep themselves busy by signing contracts with the international teams. Many players have seriously
started to consider their overseas option and play somewhere else until the lockout comes to an end.
The most high profile player to start the trend was the New Jersey Nets point guard Deron Williams, who signed a contract with the Turkish club Besiktas. Following his lead, players like Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh
and Dwyane Wade have also expressed their desire to venture outside USA. Kobe, Infact has been associated with many teams, but his final destination remains undecided as yet.
Even though the player won’t receive high pay checks playing overseas as compared to NBA however they have an option not to sit home and wait for the league’s decision.
The international governing body of Basketball, FIBA has already given the clearance to the NBA players to play overseas on the condition of having the out-clause option in the contracts. This will enable the players to come back
whenever the lockout ends.
The international teams however, will only be interested in high profile players or their native players. This can very well create a division between the high end and not so privileged players. It can effect create a division
in the players union and the resolution of the CBA issue can be delayed even further.
Considering the whole scenario, a complete season wipe out will greatly affect the league as players have the opportunity to play elsewhere.
Players will fall out of shape
Another major consequence of an entire season lockout which will hurt the game of basketball is that the players will fall out of shape. Even though the NBA players are participating in their individual workouts however it won’t
be as effective as working out with the professionals and through normal motions with their teams.
As NBA has restricted the teams from keeping any kind of contact with their superstars, the players are on their own to determine their suitability. A complete season wipe out will definitely hurt the fitness level of the players
and this will ultimately hurt the game.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not represent’s editorial policy.



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