
Major Consequences of the entire 2011-2012 season lockout: NBA Featured Report (Part-5)

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Major Consequences of the entire 2011-2012 season lockout: NBA Featured Report (Part-5)
Rookies will suffer
The young talent from the college teams, who presented themselves in this year’s draft, have got the worst deal among all the players after being locked out by the league without playing a single game. The future of the NBA rookies
is uncertain at the moment and they will suffer deeply if the entire 2011-2012 season becomes a prey of the lockout.
The Rookie Transition Program (RTP) was postponed earlier as a result of the work stoppage which is organized every year to provide skill set and knowledge to the newcomers to make a successful transition into the league. The NBA
rookies parted ways from their college teams and will be hanging in the middle of nowhere if the work stoppage wipes out the next season completely.
The dynamic power forward of the Ohio State Jared Sullinger received a lot of criticism for not presenting himself for the 2011 NBA Draft, however it seems like Sullinger made the right decision.
Fans are losing interest
Last but not least, the biggest ugly consequence NBA will face, if the entire 2011-2012 season goes in a lockout, is fans will lose their interest in the game. They have already showed dissatisfaction and disappointment with the
implementation of the lockout and no progress has been made so far.    
The popularity of NBA received a major boost up in the last season which showcased a number of exciting turnarounds and some breathtaking moments. The ratings of the game went sky-high during the NBA Finals between the eventual
Champion Dallas Mavericks and Miami Heat. The fans supported the game all the way to see their favourite teams and players.
The same fans have started to lose interest in the game with and a complete season wipe out will feature a substantial loss in the viewership permanently. The sports are all about viewership and the number of fans supporting the
game. The National Basketball Association will lose their biggest asset if the work stoppage prolongs which will not only hamper the popularity of the league, the business aspect will also be affected immensely.
A quick settlement can only save NBA from losing their fans; otherwise the popularity of the game will not be the same as it was in the last season.
The National Basketball Association locked out its players with the expiration of the old Collective Bargaining Agreement. The NBA owners and players association have failed to show any progress during the negotiations that took
place before and after the lock out. The dispute between both the parties is on the percentage of the revenue sharing.
The owners want to impose a hard salary cap in the new CBA which will reduce the percentage of the revenue, contract length and salaries of the players. On the other hand, the players association have agreed to sacrifice some part
of their earnings however they will only make a settlement if the new economic proposal is treated evenly and fairly.
Whatever the case may be, both the parties needs to form an accord as soon as possible or else they should prepare themselves to face the ugly consequences of an elongated lockout.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not represent’s editorial policy.



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