Major League Baseball brings new interleague schedule – MLB News
Lately reports are coming in the media that Major League Baseball management is preparing a new schedule for both National and American Leagues which will allow both leagues to play interleague games throughout the entire season.
This suggestion or rather new development was on the cards for last few years, but with different MLB motives, this expansion of interleague plays remained ineffective.
The Major League has also initiated this new schedule as in the next season the Houston Astros are moving into the American League.
Michael Weiner, who is the MLBPA executive director, has explained the situation which will allow one team from a certain Division to play five series against another Division.
“There will be some differences, but what we call the identity of the opponents will be much closer now, It was important from our perspective that no team has to play more than one series outside of their own league’s rules for the last month or 5-6 weeks,”
Weiner said as he explained how this new schedule will work.
This move by Major League will introduce a new rivalry between the teams and will make games more thrilling for fans.
Some experts say that this new interleague schedule will somewhat violate the new baseball labour contract and can bring the Major League authorities to revert to a different schedule that is more suitable with the labour rules and regulations.
Currently the labour contract has authorised 20 interleague games but with the new schedule, the number of games will be much higher than 20 games.
On the other hand, this MLB schedule will also affect the draft schedule as well. Though this schedule is yet to be finalised by MLB’s top executives, but according to some insiders, this new schedule is quite possible as it possesses the support of Major
League commissioner Bud Selig as well.
It will be interesting to see what MLB decides to do with the concept of having more interleague games. Without a doubt, the fans will be very excited to see many teams compete outside of their respective Divisions. It looks like MLB is serious about updating
schedules and making the season more competitive.