
Major League Baseball comes closer to new drug test system – MLB News

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Major League Baseball comes closer to new drug test system – MLB News
The Major League Baseball and MLB Players Association has come to a new understanding and sort of brought closer the gap when testing a player’s samples.
Rob Manfred, who is MLB's executive vice president of labour relations and human resources, stated in the media explaining slight details of latest changes in drug testing policy. “We made some immediate changes in the wake of the Braun decision and are
discussing further adjustments.”
The MLB and the Players Association had to make these changes as Ryan Braun gave them certainly a hard time when he challenged his 50-game suspension and filed an appeal in court that he is innocent of all those Performing Enhancing Drugs (PED) charges.
Later when this came out in the media as his samples were not taken to laboratory on time, the MLB released him from all those charges, but then, the media started to project the much negligence of Major League authorities who despite knowing the fact as
how critical this case was, did not care and due to time, Braun’s testosterone level was enhanced in the reports.
For an average organisation, this might be okay and for some extent no one would feel anything upset, but when MLB, the World’s biggest and richest baseball league did this, everyone in across the world wherever baseball is being watched, people went crazy
and started to send messages to different media groups as how poor MLB has behaved regarding all this controversy from start to end.
A baseball agent Seth Levinson even said in the media earlier that, “When the process is compromised, then the integrity of all results are corrupted, If fairness and justice are the sole objectives of the drug program then every suspension must now be reviewed
by an independent party to determine if the process and procedures were strictly adhered to without the slightest deviation. This matter has revealed that there are no safeguards against a deviant process or the disclosure of confidential information.”
Many optimists believe that these changes which have yet to come in the media are a good initiative by the Major League Baseball authorities and in the coming days will bring some good impact on the game as well.   



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