
Major Problem- girl could get kicked out for something she didn't do?

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In my karate class, there are these couple of girls ages 12 and 13 and they planted ciggarettes in another girls bag. Alcohal and ciggaretes will always get you kicked out of class. They also said they saw the girl smoke them which is not true, i was w/ her the whole time she is 11. The problem there is 5 of them all claiming the same story and only 1 of me. I know they planted them but I can't prove it, where they got them i have no idea. I have talked to the teacher privatly but i don't think she believes me. I don't want the girl to get kicked out because of the evil devil children. is there anything i can do. Really regretting my past actions my word is good but i am known to "act impulsivley". And I feel that that is affecting the outcome. Please help. And none of the parents are any help at all they leave as soon as they drop their kids off to go exercise so they didn't see anything




  1. All you can really do is try talking to the teacher again, let her know that you are completely serious and that you wouldn't feel right just ignoring what those mean kids did.  If it doesn't work at least you know you tried to do the right thing.  And watch out for your bag, you might be the next one they target.  I can't stand mean kids like that, good luck.

  2. pray about it god will do the rest

  3. I would talk to that girl's parents and to your parents. Her parents will know that their daughter would never do something like that and your parents can back you up too. If the school still chooses to believe these other girls over you then you need to find a new school because they obviously have major issues and that is not a school you would want to be associated with.

  4. first, tell your parents

    second, try talking to your teacher again and again and again. no matter how many times it takes. if your friend is kicked out, she probably will find another studio but if u really want to help her, get together with some of your other friends in ur studio and possible form a strike. if a lot of people stop coming to her studio she will loose money and will be sad. as for those girls, TELL THEIR PARENTS! THEY'RE ICKY!!! lol

  5. Yea right - someone  planted booze and cigarettes on your kid -- sure -----2 expensive products --

  6. revenge is the sweetest sin

  7. find eye witnesses that don't like the kids that did it so theyll get in trouble

  8. you have talked to the teacher but talk to her parents as well so they know their daughter is innocent

  9. I suggest that you talk to your mom, and maybe she should talk to the other girls parents. I understand that the school is trying to teach discipline(which is a big part of martial arts), but kicking a student out for one instance of smoking/finding cigarettes is a bit extreme.

    As a long time student of the martial arts, I find it appalling that your school is teaching young children that there is no redemption for poor choices. IMO it sounds like a lousy school, to offer no forgiveness for mistakes, does not allow for the wrong doer to make amens and grow from these mistakes.

    I think the victim needs to speak up. She has truth on her side(of course that is not always enough). How did they find the cigarettes in her personal bag? Did they search the bag without permission? If she did not give the teacher permission to look in the bag then that is an invasion of privacy. You are not allowed to search someones belongings without express permission.

    Personally I think she should just leave and go to another school, if this school is willing to kick her out on a first offense. They don't sound as if they are adhering to the principals that they should be as teachers of the martial arts.

    EDIT: What are the exact rules for having cigarettes/Alcohol? Are these rules in writing. It would be easier for her to fight the expulsion if these rules are not in writing or state that if she is found smoking she gets kicked out. If the rules only state something along the lines of "Any student caught smoking..." Then technically she was not violating any rules by only possesing contriban.

  10. Well you already did what you could, and that is Talk to the teacher.  

    Has the girl gotten into any trouble before?  If she hasn't then she might get by with a warning.  My friend was in karate and thats how it worked, you got a warning then kicked out.

    I would also talk to this girl (who'll I'll assume you are at least somewhat friends with) about maybe keeping her bag in a locker with a lock if you can, or keeping her stuff in the open from now on.   Kind of sucks for her, but better than being framed!

    Good lucK!

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