
Major animal help!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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i have a major problem. im almost 18 years old and i just have way to many pets. i have 28. and 18 of them are rodents. i have a job and i spend over 200 dollars a month on rodent stuff. and i have never bought a rodent from the pet store. all mine are rescuses from ppl who have abused the animals. and i feel bad so i take them. so how can i say no?? i know i cant afford anymore but i feel bad and i take it anyway. and i really need to start saving money for a car cause im leaving the house soon. and i also need to take all the rodents w/ me. im getting a second job just to pay for the rodents which is fine w/ me. i just need help w/ saying no!! and giving away current animals is no option!! im way to attached. and i hoestly dont mined 2 jobs!! just help mw w/ saying no!!! thanks soooo much!! if u help u will be a life saver!!




  1. Simply....Get rid of some. In some situations, you have to take the mature, and right way out of it. You may think you're doing a great deed keeping all of the rodents, but if you're trying to live your life, and just barely making it spending all of your money on them, something has got to give.

    Give some to a animal shelter, or heck, see if any of your friends would want them. A lot of people tend to gather loads of pets to the point, where they don't know what to do. And it makes it's mark on the animals. Think about it...

  2. In some parts of the world, rodents are a delicacy. I would ship them over for $200 or so.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I have had up to 35 rats at a time along with my regular animals.

    All I can say is while you seem to be taking care of them as best you can and I hope your not breeding any more, you need to slow down and tell people that your rescue is full.

    I understand it is hard to turn them away, but for your own health and mental health you need to stop as soon as you can.

    Its difficult to say no, just think of the food and vets bills every time someone calls you.

    Also, find a rescue near you who can take what you can't, Rat people are everywhere!!

    Good Luck I've been there

  4. Oh my, you are like my twin :) We have 37 animals, also none purchased or sought out on purpose. By now, the people in my area know to drop off any of their "recycled" pets, as lovely as they are (sarcasm). And we never can say no. Most of our income goes to the animals, and we are living on scraps literally. But I am like you, even though it would be better not to have such an overwhelming number, I cannot give up my babies! If it wasn't for all of them, I et we could have gone on a few very nice vacations, but no, they are much mroe important!

    So kuddos for your attitude, the world needs more people like you :D

    But knowing where to stop is really important. There is nothign I can say or do (especially over the internet) to help you. It's really up to you. I helps in you have a sane friend or family member to remind you and support you.

    One way of looking at it is that they literally are you babies. They will all suffer and die without you. So it is up to you to be able to be there for them, and have the time and money for all. And just how are you supposed to do this if you keep taking mroe and more until oyu reach 100. You won't have time to hold them daily anymore, or clean their cages weekly, and you definately will not be able to afford those emergency vet bills or even those expensive treats to spoil the ones you have. So don't say no to more animals for your own sake, do it for the animals you currently own. They don't want to share you any more then they have to.

    Now if I could only get myself to believe that xD

    But really, good luck!

    And don't listen to the people being rude on here. Most of the people tend to over-react because so many deadbeat-animal-abuser questions get asked here. But I see exactly where you are coming from, and I see nothign wrong at all.

  5. I can't believe your parents let you get into this mess.  And yes you have a mess on your hands.  Contact an animal shelter and have them help you.  Talk to your parents and ask permission to blame them for saying NO to the next person that wants you to take an animal off their hands.

    Tell them to do the right thing and turn them in at the shelter.  You are not doing right by the animals you are acrambling to feed and care for.  They need love in the form of handling and bonding and you can't give it to them.  

    Your heart is in the right place.  But you can't save the world.  And judging by your response in additional details you have a problem that is going to take more help than we can offer.  Many brave women have given up their children to better homes and lives.

  6. well find a pet store that is willing to take some rodents in and just give them to the pet store

  7. SET THEM FREE!!!!!!

  8. You have become a collector which is not healthy mentally or physically. You can't afford it, it takes all of your time and now you need to stop. Find good homes for most of the ones you have. No one should be taking care of 200 rodents.

  9. This may not be the answer you want but here it goes. It sounds like you really do have to many. Maybe you should consider finding good homes for some of them. I'm not saying to just give them away, that can be hard because you don't know what will happen to them. Put an ad online, or advertise to your friends that you are trying to find forever homes for your pet-friends. A good way to avoid giving them to abusive homes is to charge a small fee and have a small questionnare for the future-owner to fill out. Then meet the person and get a feeling for if they are nice or not. I know you want to keep them, but that sounds like too many!

  10. well that's easy...............just say no

  11. you are an animal horder and you need help call the nearest aspca and get help with them they will take them off your hands and you can move on and for gods sake dont' do this any more you can't do it andbe good to yourself. its good to have one and you can keep one but the rest are not what youa redoing they need attention and you are not doing them justice and remember that. taek care.

  12. o.k. here's what you do. when someone asks you if you will take in another abused animal, explain the situation- you have 28 pets, it's financially hard on you.  apologize- but don't feel obliged to take in an animal every time you are offered to. the animal is sure to find a home, even if you're not the one who gives it to them.

  13. im sure your not the only good hearted person out there just because you say no doesn't mean they wont find a home.and no need to feel quilty about it. there are all so good hearted people out there that would love to have a rodent or two maybe if you thought of letting some go as a gift to someone else you would be burunded a lot less and be able to spend more time at home enjoying yours.

  14. lol i have 2 horses

    2 dogs

    18 chickens (my dads)

    1 cat



    5 fish

    and 1 mini horse

    i took up 3 jobs

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