about a year ago after a trip to amsterdam i had a very bad mushroom trip while heavily smoking cannabis!, the next night i suddenly got a very bad panic attack and had to get drunk to soften the effects.... i had to drink every night to keep myself felling alright... finally about 2 months later after being prescribed 'trifluoperazine' i had one hard night without alcohol i started felling better......
(one year later)
about a week ago i had felt i had been drinking to much again and decided to slow things down a bit so i tried to not drink, i took a few of the trifluoperazine tablets i had left to try and help me feel more relaxed as they are tranquilizers, they helped very little so i ended up drinking anyway... the next day my tongue swelled up and i was rushed to the doctor again..... turned out to be a bad reaction... i have not been put on 'propranolol' a mild tranquilizer which does make me feel a bit better but not totally... for the last 6 days i have not drunk any alcohol but the symptoms still seem to be lasting on,
does anyone know what this may be, when it will end or how i can fix this problem? remember it is so severe at times i have felt almost suicidal and leaves me a complete panicking wreck,