
Major babysitting problem- kid is totaly out of control?

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I have been fighting w/ this kid all day At first it was fine I took him to the park and we had fun, but then he didn't want to leave, so I pretty much had to carry him back kicking and screaming to my house. (thats where i am babysiting) Then he started coloring on the walls. I put him in time out. He ran outside andd then ran inside and locked the door. In the end i had to climb in through a window. I have called his mom but she won't pick up, and my mom isn't home so she can't help- normally i call her when i need help. I have locked the kid in my bath room. Tring to let him calm down he has been screaming for over half an hour. Never babysitting for him again. Help experienced moms and babysitters what would you do I have 3 hours left till he leaves. He is 7




  1. if he's 7 and not controllable call the cops and let them talk to him , i mean come on this is not your kid and if the mother is not around or able to be contacted then you must take controll and what other way then to let the cops talk to him , then you know what you re doing is OK and you can tell his mom that he was so bad that you had to call the cops !

  2. Are you serious? If so, you can't just lock the kid in a bathroom and sit on yahoo answers! You have to let him know who is boss in a firm but not violent / not locking him in a room way. As a babysitter you are responsible for him.

  3. give him a swirley

  4. If a 7 year old I babysat acted like that, I would have called the mom as many times as it took for her to pick up the phone and get her devil of a child the heck out of my house.  You poor thing!  I would probably have done the same thing.  Do not babysit for this kid ever again.  Also, do not lay a hand on the kid could be in major trouble, regardless of whether or not the mom said you could.

  5. Ok unlock the bath room and get down to his level tell him that he is going to sit in time out for seven min and if he gets up you will start the timer over put him in a chair and walk away if he gets up don't say a thing to him just place him back continue until he sit there for 7min he can scream but just ignore him! once he has done that tell him why you put him in time out and than ask for a sorry and than hug him and continue playing it will be hard but stick with it!

  6. that sounds like a demonic kid! I only had one babysitting job, every Friday, and this little kids parents went out for about 3 hours and they payed 5 bucks per hour. The kid adored me, and he pretty much worshipped me. He had this other babysitter, who is a year older than me, and she just makes him go to sleep at like 7 of clock on a Summer night.. Not me, though! I usually bring over some stuff for him to play with and my little brother sometimes comes over, cause my brother and the kid are like best friends. And we have a really good time. Then, when it gets dark, we just go inside, and I put on like a Spongebob DVD or something for him to watch, and hes happy with that. Sorry about your luck with the little hellion that you have to watch!

  7. I feel your pain. Kids are so spoiled now. They tell adults what to do, behave terribly in public and get away with things I would have been slapped if I did. Good luck.

  8. Make sure he cannot acceses any doors or anything.  Just get in a closed room, let him out of the bathroom and sit together in a room.  After a while he will calm down some.  Do a little puppet show and distract him.  Whatever you do, do not give into him and let him be your boss.

  9. evil 7 year old! did you try telling his mom when she comes home.try to play games with him or somtin to calm him down.

  10. First off you have to let him out of the bathroom as bathrooms are dangerous places for children!

    This kid is craving for attention and is pushing your buttons to see how far he can push the boundaries.

    All you need to say to him is  "name that is not how we behave in this house this is a warning next time you do that I am going to have to put you in time out and let your mother know what you have done when she comes to pick you up. (make sure you come down to his level).  Now what would you like to do so you are not bored?  then ask him if he is hungry as kids will act up when they are hungry but they don't often realise that they are hungry.

    The next tome he does act up make sure you do follow through with the time out and do let his mother know what he has been up to when she comes to collect him.

    Also that is not fair on you to be unable to contact the mother she needs to be contacted at all times.  what if you were ringing her to say that he had fallen and was hurt or something.  That's really rude on her part.

    Get him set up in an activity and see how ya go.

    Good luck with this child hope my advice helps.

    I have just read your additional details this kid is way out of control is their anyone else you can call seeing as how his mother aint answering?  You sholdn't have to put up with this he is destroying your families home!  I feel so sorry for you right now but would hate to think what he is doing to your bathroom - toothpaste shampoo mess he is very agro and in desperate need of some loving kind attention.  Try talking to him through the door and ask him to please calm down and you will do something fun together play a game or something.

    Do try and get hold of someone you can't deal with these challenges on your own it's very hard I know and you need some back up support right now.  Can you call your mother and see if she can come home she needs to know what is happening to her home.

    Good Luck

  11. i think you should report the mother to the child abuse hotline. there is obviously something terribly wrong with this parent child relationship, (boundaries crossed, corporal punishment, and lack of good parenting care). This 7 year old is crying out for help, and needs it fast. It's good to get on record that she did not respond to your calls. I doubt they will do more than investigate, but having it on record will help the next time someone calls about this child. you poor kid, i feel for you. good luck. think of this as a learning experience

  12. You should call one of your freinds and have her come over and help. If her moms home have her come to. Let the kid know who is in charge!

  13. 0.0 wow hes violent... My mom would slap me if I did that but don't do that. Show him that your boss and threaten to take away something from him. (maybe too extreme)

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