
Major girl troubles! what do I do?

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ok here is my situation, I just switched highschools this year, and I noticed that in one of my classes there is a REALLY beautiful girl, that I would like to get to know better, normally I have no problem just talking. but this time I do, the teacher assigned us seats and I am not so far away from her, but far enough to not be able to talk to her (like 3 desks back of her). So what do I do to get moved (I already tried telling the teacher that I "had ADD and NEEDED to be seated more towards the front" but I think he caught onto my lie.) so again, what do I do to get moved to be next to her (or get her moved next to me?) also in between us and next to her is this guy that I feel is a threat because they've known each other for a long time, but I think he's g*y, so... I'll have to find out about that later.... and since I'm new and he doesn't know me (or vice-versa) I can't just say something like "hey dude did you fill up that perscription yet?" or something like that so that she looses interest in him.... but thats secondary. my primary goal right not is to be seated next to her because thats the ONLY class that we are together in, and I don't know where her locker or anything is and its going to be really hard finding out (I have no time between classes to figure out) and I'd ask a buddy of mine more about her, but he's been out competing in horseback riding or something for like the past week, and until he comes back in like a week, i'm screwed. so again what do I do here? Oh and also if I do manage to talk to her, what would I say, I've hit on and gone out with girls before but I knew them from long ago and they knew me too.....

please help, i'm really desperate!!!! ( and no, I'm not making myself look desperate infront of her).




  1. I would just act pure and natural.  The harder you  try the less that is going to happen.  Just let nature take its course.  If she talks to you then GREAT if not that is fine too.  But in the time being just be yourself and just say "Hi" to her and call her by name.  And then say 'how are you".  Ask her about the homework from the other night (pretending you didn't understand it).  Just ask her if she could help you out on a problem or such.  Then kid around with her a little and laugh with her.  Just use what comes natural.  

    But think before you speak. Try not say anything stupid to make her think less of you. BE COOL!  Don't be needy, be yourself.

    Hope this works.

    Mr. Jeff

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