
Major help in swimming?

by Guest33843  |  earlier

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im taking swimming classes for the first time in my life and im soo out of shape, like im fat and u can see it. i dont wanna go with my shirt off so i wanna wear a shirt that is ok to wear in the it ok if i wear a shirt thats 100% polyester? and another thing, since im soo out of shape i think everyones gunnna laugh at me cause im gunna be halfway across and they'll be done with 2 laps by ease. iif you wanna give some pointers about the shirt or anything else PLEASE HELP.

thank you soooooo much!




  1. Well, I can tell you one thing. the people that stare at you are jerks. They will be staring if you wear your shirt. but not if you dont. Your getting fit anyways so who gives a ***** about what the other people think as long as YOU are ok with it. Good luck ;)

  2. I've been a captain of my high school swim team and yeah, you can wear a shirt, but I don't think you need to.

    If you are going to wear a shirt, I would just say a cotton one beacause the chlorine will run other materials very quickly and also bleach the shirt.

    It will make it harder to swim if you wear a shirt though, because it will increase the drag of the water on you, like a parachute. I also think a shirt is a bead idea because it will show everyone else that you are sensitive about your weight. If you just go shirtless, they won't have that to set you apart.

    I don't think anyone will laugh at you, because weather you have weight problems or not, you're out there trying to get in shape, and that deserves respect.

    And I wouldn't worry about being slow, because I've never seen someone who didn't get repeatedly lapped when they first started. It's expected, so the swimmers that are passing you will just appreciate you trying.

  3. Don't sweat it, do your thing and don't bother with what everyone else is doing.  Keep your head up, you'll get respect for trying hard no matter what walls you hit.

  4. alright, it's okay to be fat and i highly doubt that a lot of people are gonna laugh at you. but there are those who are immature and i understand the embarrassment. i used to be fat once but then i lost body mass and are rather skinny. so what i did was find the baggiest T-shirt in the house and wear that. maybe your dads or some man, since men are usually the onces with huge shirts. don't wear 100% polyester. they are uncomfortable and tend to wrap around you tightly while your swimming, resulting to slow you up. T-shirt will cover you and be baggy, making it easier for u to swim.

    good luck!

  5. I'd forgo the shirt.  If anyone comments on your weight just tell them "that's what I'm here for so if you have something constructive to add I'm all ears, but if you are merely here to state the obvious we all already know".

  6. You need to be self confident! If you're medically overweight, kudos to you for taking swimming lessons =) That says to me that you're trying to improve your health. Swimming is a fantastic form of exercise.

    Laugh at your own mistakes when learning, but make sure you actually learn from the mistakes and try to improve. You're not going to be an olympic swimmer by the end of the first class - and neither will anyone else. Keep in mind that the other people in the class are there to learn as well.

  7. Hey - don't worry about the weight!  You're in swimming classes, right - that shows you care about becoming more fit and you're making the commitment to do it.  Anybody who cares that you might be overweight isn't someone whose opinion you need anyway.  

    Don't wear a shirt - I can tell you from experience that it's a lot easier to swim without one!  It will probably just make you feel slow and awkward, which is the last thing you need when you're starting swimming.  Just show up at the pool with a smile and a good attitude, show people you mean business, and they will respect you no matter what you look like.

  8. don't worry about the shirt!  i'm a fat man and have figure out drop the shirt and jump in the pool!  but if you need a shirt, i'd go with cotton.  clingy sometimes out of water but drip dries fast and white t's are cheap and don't bleach!

  9. Wear a dark black tee shirt. Swimming is fun, its good for you and you will like it. Have fun.

  10. honey, to be happier about your weight make sure you're eating healthy, dieting, and exercising to lose the fat

    it's a big step already to have joined the swimming classes! i'm proud of you, now try to just not concentrate on what people will think of you or how they will look at you... just be yourself, be friendly, people will like you for who you are and help you as a friend...

    wearing a shirt over your bathing suit will just make you more self conscious that people are looking at you and thinking bad because just wearing it it's going to make them look and think "why is she wearing that" not "she's so fat she's wearing a shirt" only immature people will think that way

    forget about others and just wear a one piece, be happy and enjoy your swimming classes, swimming is fun, great and an excellent sport!!!

  11. If anybody says anything just tell them to stick, so what is not as skinny as a twig, it doesn't change who you are. Don't take any c**p from anyone. No one deserves that. Also don't be embarrassed. the people that should be embarrassed are they people who would laugh at you!!!!

  12. take privae lessons, then u can let ur instructor know how u feel, and they will help u lose weight. u can also go to certain gyms and pay to have a personal trainer to help u lose weight. not only can they help u with that, they can help u actually build more muscle, get faster, jump higher, and so on. and if u dont wanna pay that much, then stick with ur class. im not sure if its ok to wear those shirts, but dont worry about it! no one will laugh, in fact a lot of ppl will probably admire u for trying to help urself by doing that. my dad does triathlons, and there are always ppl that r over weight there. but no one laughs, in fact everyone is always saying how impressed they r, cuz a lot of ppl dont try to lose weight. but over weight ppl who try to help themselves, i think ppl really look up to, because they r moving on from being lazy, and realizing that they arent gonna lose weight ny sitting there, so even if it is a struggle for them, they r trying theiir best. thats what really matters, and wen ppl see u doing that, they wont laugh. i hope u have good luck with ur swimming class!!

  13. Even though you will be embarased, good for you! This is the 7th year on my local swim team and it really gets you fit. Now about the T- shirt, I don't think you should wear one. First of all, you will be noticed a lot more. 1 peices without a T- shirt make you look A LOT more fit than having a T- shirt over one. If you positivly have to have a T- shirt, don't wear white. And also, 100% cotton is best. What you just have to keep in mind is that you're there to loose weight and not to be made fun of. Good luck!

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