
Major in Parapsychology?

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Are there any colleges/universities that offer a major in parapsychology? This is a subject I am really interested in. Any help and ideas is appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Franklin Pierce college in New Hapshire offers a specialization in parapsychology with a major in psychology at the undergraduate level. The school is fully accredited.

    The University of Edinburgh offers a PhD in parapsychology and conducts research through the Koestler Parapsychology Unit (part of the school). It is not US accredited (either is Oxford).

    The University of Arizona (another fully accredited school) offers a PhD in Consciouness Studies that is close to parapsychology.

    The Parapsychological Association has been a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1969. No skeptical organization has ever been admitted.

    I hope you find this information useful. Please do be aware that very few (those lucky enough to get grants) make their living as full time parapsychologist. Most hold teaching positions at univeristies in fields like psychology, physics, biology, anthropology, etc. Also, any science background/field will allow you to pursue parapsychology.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  2. If you are really intetested in parapsychology you should study on your own. You would save a lot of money. Nobody would really hire someone with that degree anyway.

    If you are planning to get a job as a ghost hunter or a psychic, it helps to learn things like cold-reading. Look where cold reading got John Edwards, is famous for pretending to talk to the dead.

  3. Parapsychologists  come from a wide variety of sources.

    Anyone considered A parapsyc. will have degrees in physics, psychology , electronics, photography,meteorology,Thai chi, entomology,theology, mathematics, philosophy, History, bibliography, folklore, interrogation, pharmaceuticals, chemistry,

    ..... and anything else they need to in order to understand their Nemesis;the magician, fakir , illusionist, necromancer.

      Houdini, Charles dickens, homer,gene Roddenberry, Asimov,  and thousands throughout history have challenged blind faith in order to Preserve a logical perception of the universe

    Likewise modern science tests 'old wives tales' to test their validity and pursue simpler ways to treat  patients.

    But first find a way to fund your research 'cause it's nearly impossible to get a grant for something that you can Never prove - only disprove-that you exist at all...

  4. No college in their right mind would even think of offering it. It's not a science just a lot of fairy tales.

  5. There was an organization at Princeton University called the PEAR institute which did pychic research for the past 28 years.  They recently closed the institute and the work was absorbed into other international organizations.  You can find more information at:

    There are some links at the bottom of the page that reference some organizations that may be able to help you find more information.

    I don't know if it still exists, but there was a research foundation just outside of Duke University called The Foundation for the Research of the Nature of Man.  They designed tests and provided the facilities for researchers to pursue their interests.

    Finally, there is one university that I know of that has a comprehensive, accredited program for helping students to find "the connection between inner reality, self-discovery and work in the world".  Follow this link and look for the Holistic Studies area:

    Good luck with your search and your studies!

  6. No reputable (accredited) colleges do. It is a pseudoscience and doesn't qualify as actual knowledge. On a related note, there was a research group at Princeton for a while studying psychokinesis. They worked hard at it but it was ultimately a flop (see reference).

  7. Parapsychology is not an academic subject -- it is pure nonsense and wishful thinking. No university offers courses -- they would not be taken seriously.

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