
Major in acting or move to LA?

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Hi, I'm 16 years old and in high school and I know I have to be an actor; it is what I love to do. My question is, once I graduate high school, do you suggest moving to LA to pursue an acting career, or going to college to get a degree in acting? I want to do film & television work, not theater, so would moving to LA be a better career move than going to college for acting?




  1. Go to college.

    LA sucks and if you don't have any acting experience you might end up being just a waiter/waitress.....

  2. Okay, whether you stay where you are or move to LA, at some point, you will have to learn how to act.

    I would suggest that you stay where you are to learn how to act because you will be close to all of your support systems. For example, you may be able to live at home while going to LA, you'd still need to pay for classes but you'd have to have a job to pay the rent on top of that. You'll still be close to you friends and not be depressed because you can't afford to do anything on a Saturday night. (You can't take classes, work, pay rent and still party every weekend !!)

    Also, LA is full of scammers who are looking for young people with stars in their eyes. Scammers prey on actors who think they don't need to take classes or work hard at being an actor...that somehow, they are the most talented young actor that has ever showed up in LA and will be an instant star.

    Even the apparent overnight successes have been working at it for years! For example, bet you never heard of Ellen Page until  "Juno"

    Ellen Page, star of Juno, nominated for a Oscar at the tender age of 20...has been working as an actor since she was 12.

    She got her start in her home town of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada...after taking acting classes at the local theatre that offered classes for kids.

    She worked her way up to bigger roles and then *boom* the rest of the world hears about her 8 years after she started!

    Also, check out what else the colleges offer, not all of them will focus on stage alone. They may be combination programs of stage and film.

    A great book to read right now is K. Callan's "How to sell yourself as an Actor" She talks about the benefits of staying where you are to act. Sign it out from the library or buy it from  It's a great book. It tells how big productions will go to smaller towns to shoot because it's cheaper or the tax benefits are better. These productions will cast local actors in roles they would never have gotten in a bigger city like LA.

    Good luck and remember, LA is full of young actors looking to make it big....and a lot of them have already graduated from university and college acting courses.

  3. No, you need to go to college.  There are tons of people to compete with in the acting world and you want as much of a leg up as possible.  At college you will gain experience, training, and make connections.  These days casting people have a lot more respect for actors with bachelor degrees in the field.  Why don't you start looking in CA for acting programs, since thats where you want to be.  You will slowly be getting acclimated to the business in the area throughout your college career, you will know people and the transition will be easier.  Plus there are schools in the LA area for acting that do emphasize work on tv and film.  

    Don't just blindly move to LA to "follow your dream" without having gone to school and getting experience first.  You may find yourself getting nowhere and will end up coming home.  college degree programs are imperative in this day and age in the world of acting.  go to school and it will give you confidence for your career, trust me.  good luck.

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