
Major or degree question?

by  |  earlier

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I went to college for one and a half semesters and started working and went to class less and less till i just stopped going. Well i really regret that but i am about to pay off the school and i want to go back. I know i want to go into real estate but not sure what specific area; like appreaser or just agent or brooker etc. What would be the best thing to major in or best degree to get?




  1. If you're interested in working for a top real estate firm, then a business degree in real estate (topped with several years of experience) is your best bet.

    Other than that a degree in real estate is appropiate or marketing (considering you're basically trying to sell a product of sorts).

  2. honestly, whatever u'd be happiest doing is wat u should do, i really don't know anything about real estate except u sale house lol, so i can't say too much about it. but just do wat makes u happy =D good luck & God Bless

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