
Major problems with my car!!?

by Guest58383  |  earlier

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alright well. it all started when.... i was out driving during a storm and i ended up driving into a flooded area where the water came up to the bottom of my car just below door level. and the car stalled out. girlfriends dad came jumped my car it started up. i drove about half a block and it died. i replaced the fuel pump relay and fuel pump and its runing again but.. theres something going on where i dont have to put my foot on the gas and it accelerates 15mph all the time like its stuck in cruise controll and when i put it in park or neutral the rpms go up to 2 1/2. plus when i was driving today the car lost power i pumped the gas peddal a cuple times and it started again. also my temp gage keeps rising way up the coolant light keeps flashing the service engine soon light is on. coolants fine i changed it not to long ago but its still flashing. oh and i also changed my oil too. i used penzoil.. does anyone know the problem??? i really need to get some answers before i spend a ton




  1. Park it in the sun for a few days, you might get lucky! Sensor, relay, wet wires? Good luck!

  2. Park it and hope someone steals it. Hopefully they wont bring it back

  3. My guess is the ECM went for a swim, and will need to be replaced and reprogrammed.

    Of course, it would help if we knew what codes are turning the CEL on.

  4. I'm assuming you're in The US so I'm not familiar with the car, that is, is it diesel or petrol? First thing is check the position of th engine air intake and could it have been below water. You may have pulled water into the engine. If the air filter is wet that should give you a clue. If you have it could be terminal for the engine , particularly a diesel. The only other thing is it may be electrical. though the water would have to be deep to affect those parts.

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