
Make, A , Wish!?

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if you could have anything happen to you, or the world or anything!! what would it be! think about this ;) it doesnt have to be for others it can be for youself or what ever you would wish for.




  1. That I had 20  different guns

  2. I'd wish for proof that there is intelligent life in other solar systems. How nerdy of me. >_< But it would be pretty cool to know that there is an ET looking dude out there in the universe. Or if there is some human like existence out there. Or some really creepy stuff like for every human on Earth there was an exact replica of us on another planet. Ahah, I'm tired and my mind is going in a million directions. Goodnight. I'm curious to see what everyone says:) Oh, i'd also wish for all my cellulite to get off me and go to jessica alba so i'd stop feeling so bad about myself every time i look at her=/ hah!

  3. To be healthy, wealthy, and happy. Actually, the third is the most important.

  4. I wish for the courage to accept everything that happens to me and not to doubt God's will. That would give me peace of mind and contentment.

  5. To continue

  6. i would like that every type of sorrow would vanish from this earth and everything would be nice and happy!!!

  7. I would wish for a world filled with people who are able to think freely, logically, and rationally while still retaining their human nature... because in such a world we'd solve virtually every problem we have in less time and yet we would not fundamentally change the struggle that keeps us going.

  8. I wish I could have had more children.  I LOVE children.  I only had 4. lost my 5th.  I wish war would end everywhere and all our soldiers would come home. Oh to have world peace, harmony, it seems like a dream.  I wish there was no such thing as homeless people and our gov. would make sure everyone had a place to live, food to eat, and jobs.  I know this sounds cliche, but I can wish can't I?

  9. a well wisher will always wish well for others

  10. I want to be sixteen all the time.

  11. i wish for ............ 10 more wishes then i could have everything woohoo with hot chicks included x

  12. to be happy with what i have

  13. that i could have good health

  14. I'd wish i could be more clever n smarter everyday in facing everything that happens in my life.

  15. I make a fortune in my coaching business cause I love to help people but so far they haven't loved me enough to pay me. So I wish I knew how to get people who valued me as much as I value them.

  16. well i have wished, but my mummy said if i tell people what my wish is then my wish wont come true and i desperately want my wish to some true


  17. to o****m more easily!!!


  19. i want to go back to the past and change my future
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