
Make A movie?

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Ok I made a movie Script and I want to Direct it and make a movie out of it, but I want to do it now and I want to know how to get it started, and make it to the Movies one day. Can anyone help me. If you can I Thank you so much. Also I want to know how to become an actress.




  1. First, to be honest, you seem to be a little flaky about the business. You can't just break into these things. From experience, the only way you can make a movie worth watching or become an actress is to cultivate your craft. Take workshops and lessons. It will help you learn how to "make a movie" and "become an actress". But do understand that nothing happens overnight. With that said, here are some great tips!

    To create your own, ameuture-status movie :

    1. Prepare a full movie script. With that, you will be able to do step 2.

    2. Much like animators/cartoonists, set up how your scenes are going to look like. You can do this by paper and pen, quick-sketching on how you want each scene to look.

    3. Now that you know how your scenes are planning to look like, look for the locations. Once you have your locations, and maybe booked your location sites, you are ready to bring in the actors.

    4. When chosing the actors, you may want them to perform short scenes from your script. That way, you will find out if the actor is not only a good actor, but one that can really create the characters you want in your movie.

    **Be aware to note to your actors if this is a paying or non paying job.**

    5. Staffing! Get your crew. Get who you need only. You most likely just need a few cameramen.

    6. After everything has been casted and staffed, and actors are ready...its time to shoot! When shooting, you may want to shoot each scene multiple times, in many different angles. That way, when you edit, you can pick which angle looks best, which scene done by the actor looks best, etc.

    7. Editing time! I would suggest using mac, since it's simpler and broken down. You can even create your own music through garage band when it's not available. You may also use windows programs, but I am not sure about those.

    **REMEMBER TO ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT to the actors, and staff that helped during this film. Also remember to include music information, and copyright info. Be sure that if you plan to sell this film, you get legal permission from the music/etc. that you used. If this is a home video, you don't really need to worry about that!**

    Have fun with your movie! Hope this helped!

  2. windows movie maker find it in your programs
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