
Make Up <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I want to start wearing makeup. What brand and what should i wear(mascara etc) ? I like make up and im doing it to impress a guy:)HELP




  1. you don&#039;t need designer makeup. that&#039;s just too much money to spend. i go to target and but cheap cheap makeup, except for mascara, you NEED the Maybelline great lash mascara, its the best in the WHOLE WORLD [seriously! ha ha] but i like Rimmel London&#039;s eyeliners, they&#039;re fun. and N.Y.C. makeup in general, its insanely cheap but such good quality:]

  2. Well... First things first. Don&#039;t use makeup to impress a guy.

    Since you&#039;re first starting out I suggest drug store makeups so you can experiment and test a lot of things out for WAY cheaper than department store brands or MAC.

    I like Maybelline and Covergirl. Rimmel makes some really good mascaras too.

    Since you&#039;re starting out. I suggest a black mascara, dark brown or black eyeliner (pencil), and some neutral toned eyeshadows and a little lip gloss

  3. Great Lash mascara is good, the pink one with the green cap. I use that. Don&#039;t wear a lot of makeup by the way. If you want to impress a guy, guys don&#039;t like it all when girls wear too much makeup. They like natural. Wear a little. If you are wearing it to school, mascara and a hint of lip gloss are enough. On special occasions, go for eyeliner and eyeshadow, sometimes. Also, if you are new to makeup, don&#039;t wear too much all at once. Start with a little, and gradually work your way up. Hope I helped! :)

  4. you need to find your skin type if using foundation e.g oily, dry or combination if you are experimenting you should try the cheaper products like collection 2000 they are very good or no 17 at boots until you figure out what shades suit you x have fun

  5. If you are young and just starting to wear makeup all you need is a good mascara, little bronzer and some lip gloss! My recommendations for them would be:

    Mascara: Loreal Voluminous is FANTASTIC! It&#039;s about $6 at Walmart and it adds gorgeous volume and darkens your lashes. Really makes your eyes pop!

    Bronzer: Physicians Formula or Clinque both do great bronzers and these products are versatile! You can do it bit dark on the apples of your cheeks to make it appear as blush and then softly sweep it over the rest of your face!

    Lip-Gloss: Victoria Secret has great lip glosses and they taste great too! Two others I would recommend would be MAC lip glass and CO Bigelow Menta-Lip tinted lip glosses that double as a breath mint!!

    Good Luck! Just remember, more is less with make-up. Never appear to be unnatural! It is used to enhance, not change or cover!

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