
Make Websites for people... for money?

by Guest31876  |  earlier

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I know people make websites for companies and get paid for it.

So I was wondering how I could do this.

What software to use...

How much to charge...

How to get started...







  1. First you will need to learn html before you can just make a website. It is not necessary to know everything though. There are free website editors out there too. They are WYSIWYG editors. The best one I ever used was called Trellian. Its totally free and updated regularly and has tons of features. As for how much to charge I would look at what other people are charging and making it a bit lower to get started. If you are serious and want to learn then you can do it. Good luck!

  2. and YOU need to learn HTML and CSS Style sheet and other coding and also how to write proper content !

    SO YOU have a lot of schooling to do before you can charge a penny !

    Best place to Leran all the stuff needed to make websites

    is at  a free source with all the HTML and other codes YOU need to learn

    learn copywriting is another thing that you can do at your FREE Library !

    hey i been doing this for years for myself  i really know what i'm talking about  what you are seeking is now taught in schools  it is a career choice !

    Have fun learning your new carreer  !

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