
Make a consistant golf swinging machine?

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I am testing golf balls for a science project and was wondering how i would be able to mount a golf club so that it would swing consistantly every time as well as generating enough power for the ball to get off the ground. I am thinking of using springs etc but i dont exactly know what to do. Any help is appreciated and best answers WILL be given




  1. Well I would use a air acctuator to power the swing machine and not springs it would be more consistent plus you could easily change the power setting by changing air pressure or an electric motor with belt as you would be able to change pulleys to adjust speed the motor and or acctuator would have to be mounted on angle to match the lie angle of the culb.but you will have to make it a signle stage system(no wrist c**k just staight arm swing) a two stage would be quite abit harder and less accurate for a homade machine for the elecric style mount motor on a agle so leading edge of club is slightly toe up or flat on ground mount an off switch of some kind  after the impact zone so after club has hit ball the shaft will hit a rod and turn the switch off or you can just pull the plug you might have to start the club in front of ball so motor has a full rotation before impact to give the club time to build swing speed up hope i helped

  2. Golf club swing machines that generate enough speed to propel a golf club fast enough to do what you're proposing (at least 75mph) cost thousands of dollars. It's a nice idea, but probably not realistic. Why don't you try a different approach, like having 10 of your friends hit a couple dozen of each ball, and averaging the distances together.

  3. I dont know what you are testing the balls for? if it is for distance then i suggest you dont use clubs.  titleist uses something like an anvil to pop the ball of the tee.  it has no loft and is so heavy it is more consistent.   set up a jungle gym in your backyard.  tie a rope to one side with a double navy knot connecting the other side to the anvil. swing the anvil with all of your might at the golf ball, if it goes more than ten yards than your science project will be a success!!!!!!!   good luck

  4. You need to know that your assertion is wrong. More expensive balls often don't go as far as less expensive balls. There are many aspects to golf besides distance. Factors such as ball spin, feel and workability are just as important as distance. An expensive ball may not go as far as a cheap ball, but will spin more, giving more control around the greens. It will also feel software and allow the golfer to control its flight more than a cheap ball.

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