
Make a crisp dolla bill?

by Guest64675  |  earlier

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ok i got a stack of twentys,i mean a stackkk..

anyways i used to use my ps3 as a heated weight to make the dollar nice and flat,but it takes a there an easier way?

i know about ironing them but what else?ironing takes a while too cause this much money would take a while...

im looking for something that could flatten about $5000 in twenties in like a hour???so what is that...250 bills so about 4 a minute...

any ideas?and it hasto be gettable by a 14 year old...

thanx ill give the 10 points tommorow!!!..




  1. Press them under something heavy like a dresser.

    What does it matter... they spend anyway

  2. The only way I know to make used bills crisp is to take them to the bank and exchange them for new bills. Call the bank first to make sure they have new bills. Good luck!

  3. I think something is wrong here,is it only me who think so ,this is a kid who asking this question....wrong very wrong..

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