
Make a guess of the price of silver in 20 years from now?

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Make a guess of the price of silver in 20 years from now?




  1. There are some very important milestones that have to occur for silver to go into the stratosphere-which is not impossible.

    At present based on certain mens greed for the way that they conduct themselves with regards to  the financial world,eg.- Enron, Bear Stearns, Citi Bank, Countrywide,Fannie Maes/Freddie Macs,etc.,etc.

    will in effect help the process to make the price of silver go up, probably substantially.

    The irony is that just the very silver industry itself is being manipulated today- a situation that will someday in the next 5 years help this metal to position itself on a launchpad- guaranteed to rocket up and never return to the numbers that you see today...REALLY.

  2. A guess...hmm.

    I don't even know if dollars will exist in 20 years, so I'm saying that the gold:silver ratio will be 1:1 at least. And gold in 20 years might be around $1500/oz.

    That's a conservative guess for me, based on fundamentals.

  3. without financial collapse 75-100 dollars an ounce

    with financial collapse 2000 dollars an ounce

  4. 5 bazillion dollars.

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