
Make me a christian on Channel 4

by Guest66527  |  earlier

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Is anyone else watching this? Does it not seem a bit controlling? I thought God was meant to be about love and equality, not about a minister is always right.




  1. no sorry kids are watching Free Willy or something like that....

    Priests and ministers ((think)) they are a law onto themselves..........

  2. that does sound like a stupid idea, at least Faith off is somewhat of a better idea

  3. The main preacher on ‘Make me a Christian’ keeps referring to the Bible as the Word of GOD, when if fact the Bible is a collection of works written by Self-Righteous Men, like himself (And most likely some Women also)…

    Genesis 1:16 states – “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also

    If God was actually the author of Genesis 1:16 - Firstly: GOD is writing about himself in the third person, and secondly: GOD would have known that the Moon is actually a reflector, not a light!

  4. im not watching on channel 4 is the olympics.

  5. I find the whole concept of this programme offensive.  Religion is not a gameshow.

  6. I was thinking the exact same thing. That minister guy just wont accept any criticism or questioning.

    They seem to be preying on the weak lapdancer woman too. Talk about getting someone when their down....

  7. God is love, a bible should show you the way not a man x

  8. No Christianity is evil and controlling  

  9. I haven't watched the programme but here is an example of what Cri$tian indoctrination does to kids.make your own judgements

  10. I've just seen it. It was horrible on so many counts.

    And they’d have had a much harder time with me: no glaring “immoralities” to correct, and volumes upon volumes of theology and philosophy on my bookshelves which led me, after many years of study, to reject the source of their “certain” pronouncements.

    But shots of someone making notes and comparing books probably wouldn't have been “reality” enough for Channel 4. However real it actually was.

    Going at the whole area of behaviour before considering the whole area of whether the message is actually true seems completely upside down to me, apart from the usual absurdities of "reality" TV.

  11. No doubt ministers aren't always right. Sadly some seem to have a knack for twisting God's word into their word.  

  12. what!! are u trying to say god is wrong and u are right.  

  13. I am not religious at all and I find a lot of these ministers very odd I am not watching the program as I don't own a TV but I can just imagine what the content is.

  14. Somehow i never watch channels with a religious content. It seems impersonal & stilted & rehearsed to me...which it obviously is for the cameras.. The right place for spiritual instruction, i believe, is somewhere quiet, somewhere comfy, somewhere deep within own true self where you & your Maker can have a heart to heart chat. Sometimes a holy Priest will help you get there, sometimes you need to find it is the last place on earth i'd look.

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