
Make money for souvenirs and shopping?

by  |  earlier

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I'm planning on going shopping with my friends this summer and bringing back souvenirs from vacations, but I don't have any money. I don't live in an actual "neighborhood" so I can't walk people's dogs or mow lawns for money. I'm 14 and I would love to tutor some kids in French or other subjects but I'm not sure how much to charge per hour...and I'm not much of a "little kid" person, so babysitting would be kind of hard for me.

How much per hour should I charge for tutoring per child?

Any other ideas about making money? Thank youuuu! Please don't request online scams. Greatly appreciated!




  1. You are not the only young person looking for ways to make money so make sure to read the archives here on Yahoo Answers. Your question has been asked and answered over and over and over. There's no right answer for all teens because of different hobbies, skills, interests, maturity levels, etc. You have to find what's right for YOU.

    Unless you are fluent in French and in teaching French, you are asking for money to be a specialist in something which you may or may not be. Don't try to force yourself into a job or business you are not qualified or comfortable in just to have income. It's not worth it.

    What do you enjoy? Who are your potential customers? How can you reach those people? How much you charge for products and/or services largely depends on the demand. I can't imagine a bunch of kids lining up to learn French... can you??? You'd be better off teaching Guitar Hero or some other computer or video game.

    Think about teaching, writing, selling products, making crafts, website design, or whatever else you are good at and that people either want or need.

    Grab some of the many library books out there that will help answer you on what's right for you. There have been alot of teens and tweens making money. You'll find they are filling their wallets while filling the needs of their customers.

    I wish you success. Those who fail to plan and planning to fail. Get yourself a list of goals and options on how to achieve them.

  2. If you are really good at the subject you are tutoring in min is $12-$15/hour If you are tutoring at a high level and or an advanced class then it should be closer to 20/hour

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