
Make more sucure?

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how can i make my house more sucure without spending any money? i think my house i going to get robbed but no one else believes me




  1. Without spending any money? Just what planet are you on?

  2. With all due respect, I'm curious about your paranoia, assumed or very real.

       I suspect spending money might not be a choice you can strictly have. Certainly you can add more exterior lighting, keep lights on indoors, but that will cost some level of $$$. An example you might get as an answer is a large Dog. Obviously that might have some modest effect, but will cost you something. As a criminal might think, "I know this house keeps a large dog, I'll spend some money on a Steak, before I "Break In" OR that same criminal, may just have a gun and end the dogs life.

       You could board up windows, pull a sofa in front of a door, or a refrigerator at a back kitchen door, but is that a practical way to exist?

       Then there is the question again, of why you feel this way? Are you someone of wealth? Do you advertise, even subtly, to others, those things you own, that might be most important or precious to you? Are you obvious in the sense of showing off, even subtly, that you OWN STUFF? Do you live in an area of high crime? Do others local to you have the same sense, or issue? Do you suspect that anyone desperate enough to break into a house, might do so without knowing at all, what they might find, to steal?

       I suggest to feel more "SECURE" you evaluate some of the above mentioned, and consider that even homes with high level security systems, can be broken into.

    Just my two "sense'

  3. If you keep your doors or windows unlocked during nights, your house is surely going to get robbed. Just buy some alarm systems and fix it onto your doors. It has to be like this. When one opens the door, there is a loud alarm. Everyone are money-minded. Nohing can be done without money, nowadays.

  4. You really need timers on different things at different times.........and the same with a radio, or T.V.     Many homes are broken into while the people are home...
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