
Make the punishment fit the crime? what do u think about it?

by Guest33647  |  earlier

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like in the olden days,


lie-cut tongue

kill-be killed


what do you guys think about this?




  1. i like that... crime would definitely go down but only the big things like stealing killing rape..

    not on lying ..we'd all b mute!

  2. Our justice system, such as it is, is not revenge based. There has to be some possibility of redemption, if you maim someone or brand their forehead with their crime, crime will be the only option left to them.

  3. I think the death penalty should be brought back and the murderer should be kill as his/her victim was.

    But the others doubt they'd stop them because once you've had your hand chopped off you'd be set free, steal again, what they going to chop off this time, other hand maybe, but then just get a fake hand then they can steal again and then what?

    Can't cut tongue off as it's essential for swallowing and everyone lies.

  4. Some people are just evil sickos and cannot be rehabilitated, and chopping of their hands might not change their ways. Those types of punishments (except the death penalty) might just make things worse if those people are still allowed to walk amongst us after having received those harsh types of punishments.

    I'm not saying that they don't deserve it, but I'd rather just have someone be put away for life or a very long time than inflicting pain on them and releasing them back into the streets.

    They're just going to become all bitter and pis$ed off and will end up hurting someone else!

    I think that "making the punishment fit the crime" along with a harsh prison term afterwards sounds much better!

  5. how about trying out rehabilitating criminals instead of punishing them?

    I know I know, how will we live without our sweet revenge?

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