
Make-up Help Please!?

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I'm going back to school on Tuesday and I want to change my quick make-up of JUST eye liner. I want something quick but something enough to look good. My uniform if green, so I was thinking of eye liner with pink eye shadow and pink lip-gloss or lip-stick. I'll also need something that will last from 8:10 to 4:45 for my band days. I have foundation but I only put in on my flaws then cover my face with powder is that a good or bad idea?

Please help! Thank you <3




  1. Wear black or brown eyeliner, pinks and beige colour eyeshadow, avoid lipstick for school go for a lipgloss either clear or pink. It won&#039;t stay on for the whole school day but neither will lipstick BUT it will be easier to take out and reapply then a tube of lipstick!! Hope it helps.

  2. whit green uniform

    -ice pinkshadow

    -pink lip stick

    -black eye liner

  3. Pink eyeshadow?

    What? Ew.

  4. I would suggest a better cleansing routine for your skin, if you are still getting blemishes perhaps the stuff you are using presently is not the best stuff for your skin.  At your age the only reason to be using foundation is for blemishes because you should still have fantastic skin.  With a green uniform golds would look wonderful but without having ideas on your hair colour, eye colour, skintone i cannot really suggest any other colours that would compliment you.  Although i have to say pink eyeshadow is a hard look to pull off and sometimes can make you look like you have been crying or havn&#039;t slept.  a nice clear gloss is lovely for all occasions and don&#039;t forget your lips already compliment your complexion because they are your colour.  

  5. I do the same with foundation and powder - I think that&#039;s the best way to do it. You aren&#039;t supposed to cover your whole face with concealer or foundation if you don&#039;t need to.

    As for other makeup, you can try to use eyeliner (coloured or black) with a different colour of eyeshadow. I like to use a gold or brown eyeshadow over most of my eye, then a darker eyeshadow only in the crease, and white or pearly eyeshadow on the brow bone.

    Also, you could try using a bronzer or blush on your cheek bones. A lot of people don&#039;t like blush, but if you don&#039;t use too much and don&#039;t put it all over your cheeks, it looks really nice.

    Good luck!
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