
Make-up advice? First time wearing it?

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I am 15- going into my sophomore year of High School in about 3 weeks. I can't believe summer is almost over : (


I am very pale. I have a some freckles on my nose, light blue eyes and light brown hair.

I don't want to wear too much make-up. Maybe just some mascara? and I was thinking of getting a powder blush/bronzer to add to my cheeks to make my face look warmer?

So my question is-

Because I am pale and my hair is light, should I wear brown mascara instead of black?

I am on the field hockey and lacrosse teams in my school, so everyday I run and sweat A LOT! Will waterproof mascara (probably Mabelline because that's what my sister uses) stay on through sweat and me wiping my face on my shirt?

How do you know what color bronzer/powder to get? I don't want it to look like I am trying to look tan. I have no problem being pale = )

Well I think that is it. And I am not really fond of eye liner just to let you know.

Thanks so much! Sorry for all of those questions!




  1. The way you descibed your self sounds just like my skin type, i suggest that always wear lighter colours because wearing dark makes me look alot paler than i am.

    stick to neutral colours like browns.

    when i comes to bronzer always find a more peach than brown because you are pale.

    water proof mascara is fine as long as you find the right one and dont worry about colour of it black is better.

    hope this helps alittle

  2. just use a light pink or tan blush. maybe add a small amount of mascara. dont overdo it and make sure you are clump-free.

  3. With your coloring, very natural colors would look great.  Light brown eyeshadow, peachy cheeks, and a nude lipgloss.  Be careful with mascara if you are playing sports.  No mascara can withstand being wiped on your shirt.  Why not try an eyelash curler instead.  I would stay away from bronzer.  With your lovely coloring, I don't think you need it.

  4. Well, if you are looking to not spend a lot of money, then you might want to look into the brand - Wet n' Wild. Its good makeup, and really really inexpensive. You can most likely find it at your local drugstore. I have light hair and freckles too,but i am pretty tan, so this is what i typically do. I put on some h20 proof mascara- brown since i have light hair, then a little blush, and some eye liner. I know you said that you don't like eye liner, but if you just use PENCIL not liquid and put it around the bottom rim of your eyes, it makes soooooooo much difference. If you do decide to use the eyeliner, i would most likely go with dark brown, not black. Also, I think the you should defiantly get some bronzer too. I am tan, but still use bronzer on my cheeks and a little on my forehead and chin. Sorry i keep going on about myself, but i defiantly think this would work and if you go with the brand i recommended, you will probably spend less than $15, and should look terrific. Girly, but still super sporty.

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