
Make-up help please??

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ok, i wear a lot of eyeliner on top and on bottom, wat do you think of this? some ppl tell me i should just wear mascara and not so much eyeliner...i think it looks good but i dunno. whats your opinion?? thanks for answerin




  1. Eyeliner is the best believe me. But wearing a lot of eyeliner on top and bottom is a lot. Try to limit that look to special occasions. On regular days i would try a thin layer of black eyeliner with mascara but leave the bottom alone. Makeup can easily be changed and there are a lot of different looks out there but ultimately pick the look that you feel "you" in.  

  2. okay, what I do is real simple. I use eyeliner only on the bottom and more mascara on top. looks good, less work. or you could cut back and just wear it on the top if you wanted. but, it's much easier and not using so much and looks better.  

  3. i use mascara and eyeliner on the bottom. i never put eyeliner on the top for some reason.

  4. i wear mascara and it looks really nice

    with eyeliner on the bottom and top i think its a bit too much

    i would go with the eyeliner on the bottom and mascara on top :)

  5. if you see it suits you and your opinion is that you look better with alot of eyeliner then just do it....some ppl look much prettier with lots of eyeliner maybe you're one of them :)

  6. well I for instance put mascara on and also put eye liner on  on the bottom, i put only a litle on top, i think it looks good and no one ever complains about it, so do as you please, or do what i do!

  7. I Absolutly Love Eyeliner.

    I usually wear the regular pencil one on the bottom and liquid eyeliner on top. Its very 'in' now.  

  8. umm...a picture would help...but u dont use any mascara? would haelp if u use masacra and eyeliner 2gether...u'd look so much better

  9. I dont think a ton of makeup is good at all. Most men like natural girls but i would definitely say just mascara. Too much eyeliner sometimes looks trashy.  

  10. i think you should loosen up on the eyeliner on top and instead make a smokey eye effect with gray eye shadow, that way it won't be so heavy. also put mascara on.

  11. I know wat you mean, I used to wear a lot of eyeliner in H.S. and people used to tell me that to wear less or only top or only bottom.  I was so used to it that it didn't feel right to not wear it.  But slowly I eased up on my eyes.  I would wear top eyeliner on some days and bottom eyeliner on others.  Then I was able to go with mascara only on the laid back days.  I only wear dramatic eye make up when I go out to a club or party.  

  12. Wearing eyeliner's fine, just don't like cover your whole lid with it because it makes your eyes look smaller and its not pretty.

  13. It depends on how you feel that day and what your wearing. Hopefully u understand. You can't wear the same makeup like that everyday it gets boring. If you feel s**y and spunky one day you should wear top and bottom. The days you feel kinda whatever you should wear just mascara and so on.  

  14. Eyeliner on top and bottom makes eyes appear smaller and is a slightly trashy look. A little along the upper lash line and mascara is prettier. Save the heavy eyeliner look for nighttime events, concerts, clubs and the bedroom.

  15. You know what?

    Do what you gotta do to look good, don't care about what others say.

    Who are they to have an opinion about your own face and body anyway?

  16. switch it up once in a while.. ill wear mascara alone once in a while.. then to make me stand out more i wear i-liner.. people notice more. C:

  17. when it comes to eye liner, less is more. when you wear too much, it just makes you look like a s!ut. and not just any s!ut, a cheap one at that.

  18. if u lik it its fine but if u wnt a more s**y suttle look try mascra and a thin line of eyeliner on top and bottom an use sum blush to bring out ur cheeks!!

  19. It depends on your eye shape, color, age, and also how heavy handed you might be when it comes to applying a thin somebody I know, she wears such heavy liner that my son called her the "Halloween Lady", so try mascara alone once, see how you like it, and try diferent types of eyeliner, on top, underneath isvery tricky, and most people will over do that.  But if a few people have actually told you this, you must be halloweening it, if you know what I mean..

  20. well im a makeup artist and from experience in doing make-up i know that wearing eyeliner on the top is a more dramatic look and should only be used when you go out. and wearing it on the top during the day can make it seem like you have too much make-up on during the day you should use mascara and eyeliner on the bottom if you like but not on the top its a bit too much.

  21. well since i don't know you i cant judge harshly so i would say try it your friends way then if you don't like it do it your way

  22. I think when a girl wears too much eyeliner it takes away from her eyes. Try to  tone it down alittle. Wear just enough to bring out the color of your eyes, not drown them out.

  23. Well, its kind of hard to tell without a picture, but you should try a bit less eyeliner and some mascara, the people in my school wear way to much eyeliner, so if you look anything like they look, i'd ease up on the eyeliner.

    Hope this helps.

  24. okay i don't like mascara because it makes my eyelashes all stale feeling and you shouldn't wear eyeliner on the top because that over does it what you should do is wear in only on the bottom and then wear a colored eye shadow like purple or brown if you have brown eyes a pinkish orange if you have a blue.  

  25. mm. if you think it's good, then just do it. but like, if it's too much eyeline, then make it less and mascara too :)

  26. I'd say use less eyeliner and lots of mascara. That's what I do, and it's a lot more subtle. I always had people commenting on how much make up I wore, and now people just say they wish they could do their make up like mine. The more mascara you wear on top, the less liner you need to use because the fullness of your lashes create that dark line you'd normally get from liner. If you want to fill in the paleness from your lid, simply use a brown shadow. Try to get it to a point where you're only wearing liner on the bottom. Trust me, it's super cute once you get the hang of it.

    Well, it is on me anyway :p Try it out, though<3

  27. thats a really good question :) its hard to find what looks good and what looks like too much

    i think the best thing to do is to put super dark brown eyeliner- not black- on the top with super black mascara on the top. then put really light brown on the bottom. the eyeliner frames your eyes and makes them pop and the black mascara looks really good... good luck!

  28. if u like it then wear it. the idea of eyeliner in top and bottom is to make the eye appear smaller so i would just put mascara on top.

    ifu want to open up the eye use white  eyeliner on the inside of lower lid then black under that

  29. excessive eyeliner looks trashy, smears easily, and puts a label on you.

  30. it probaly makes u look like a raccoon

  31. Using eyeliner on the top and bottom can make your eyes look smaller...

    I usually just wear eyeliner on the outer half of my lower lids to open them up. Then I wear mascara on my upper lids, and I put extra on the outer lashes. Again, to make the eyes look bigger. I actually have naturally humongous eyes but I like to draw attention to them and then be more subtle with the rest of my makeup
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