
Make up question. mostly for guys, what you like on a girl. ?

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ive seen many questions on here asking what you like on girls, and most answers from guys say "i like no makeup whatsoever" which means no foundation, no shadow, no liner, no mascara. and I'm totally for that, but i was just wondering, have you (guys) ever seen a girl with makeup and then right after without makeup? like right after she washes it off? its pretty bad, well at least for me. so would you, TRUTHFULLY, rather have a made up face, or the pimple-y, red faced, usually small eyed girls we truly are? or are you just saying you like no make up cuz its sensitive and sounds sweet?




  1. i know im not a guy but, guys don't like when you cake on the make up. they hate when girls wear 14 pounds of makeup.

    they like a natural and suttle look.

  2. Eyes.....It's the important ones.  Eyes is a window of a heart.  Hei...this is an important news for you...Dont drink PEPSI now..see this articles and get a picture in

  3. It's not true, we guys (at least me) like the natural look. Eye Liner and neutral colors. Absolutely NOOOOO blue or white on the eyes!!!  

  4. i think the guys mean: a ton of mascara, lipstick/lipgloss.

    i dont think they mind: blush, foundation, 7 eye liner(small amount)!

  5. my gf doesn't wear eyeliner and Ive sen pics of her with it on

    i think she looks great without it, and so do other people so its not just me sounding sweet

  6. I've asked myself the same question a 1,00 times and have come to the realization that guys just don't know what's going on. They see you with no makeup and think you are sick, tired, and depressed.  they see you with makeup and they think, "she feels better today."

  7. Well if they wear make up (and too much) all the time then I'd rather them with make up unless they stop wearing it all of a sudden and start washing their face. But if it's a little make up I like that and if they almost never wear make up I like that the most.


  8. I am going to try and answer this without sounding like a smart aleck, but really, what do most men know about make-up?!  Most will say, "just a little" or "no, I like my girl to look real" and things like that.  They have no idea the amount of make up and time it takes just to achieve the "natural" look.  

    If you were to give them a pic of their girl without any make up at all , and one where they have foundation, blush, correctly applied eye makeup that enhances shape and color of the eye, and lipstick/gloss, I would bet a paycheck that they'd go for the make-up pic every time!

  9. I'm a girl, but I'll answer you. I think most men want a natural looking woman, not someone with a 1/2 inch of makeup and she looks like a hooker. Always remember that when it comes to makeup, less is always more. Use foundation, but don't cake it on your face. Just a little bit will do. Use a neutral color eye shadow, just a little bit of blush. Go for the natural look, without having a naked face.

  10. I like to say no makeup because I like girls with a natural look. Anything incredibly flamboyant is kind of trashy and S****y, and that's not the kind of girl I want to go out with. If I wanted to date a birthday cake, I'd go to a bakery (my own little joke).

  11. guys here who are saying they like girls with no makeup on or "little makeup" are such liars, the would choose the painted w***e any day.. especially if she has big b***s.. i mean c'mon your actually gonna believe that c**p.. plane janes almost never get attention.

  12. i guess it all depends on how the girls face is without makeup.. i can do with some make up but when they put soo much on they look fake i hate it.. but well looks arent everything to be honest.. it holds a strong role but isnt everything.. help and answer my questions please

  13. as long as its not overdone

    you can have foundation and blush and mascara but not too much so that it makes you look cheap or like a wh*re

    but no eyeliner

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