
Makes sense to commute to UCLA?

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I'm considering applying to UCLA for the 08-09 school year and, in order to avoid dorm fees, will most likely be living at home while in college. However, I live about 60 mi east of Los Angeles. Would it be sensible for me to commute to school (not by driving, but possibly via Metrolink)? Also, if so, how do you suggest I do it? Any feedback is appreciated.




  1. Ride the train if you can.  It's going to cost you $20 a day just in gas to drive to school and back home, assuming 20 mpg and $3/gal.

    If you are in school five days a week, for forty weeks, that's $4000/year just for gas to go back and forth to school.

  2. I would strongly recommend against commuting to UCLA.  At least live on campus your first year.  I went to UCLA for 4 years, and I noticed that commuters tended to have a lot of difficulty getting involved with campus life, studying in groups, etc.  UCLA is a residential campus, and many things are held in the evenings.  Commuting is going to make it very difficult to get the most out of college.

  3. check with UCLA parking and transportation service

    they do have a lot of van pools (I have a friend

    who commutes from Whitter to UCLA and shes uses one of

    UCLA van pools services

    if you used Metrolink you would still need to transfer to a bus


    anyway.  then you could either take 1 direct bus (it only runs

    rush hour) but it would only get to wilshire/Westwood

    or you could metro rail to Sunset/Vermont then the Sunset bus to UCLA

    or you could take 2 Santa Monica Buses  but they  dont honor

    metrolink tickets ) as the other bus companies do

    plus you would have to walk to Alameda/Los Angeles to catch the first bus) $1.75+..50 for a transfer (or $3.50 for all day express pass)

    so you best bet is look into the van pools services Ucla offers

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